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Illuminate\Auth in Codeigniter 3? - Printable Version

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Illuminate\Auth in Codeigniter 3? - rakibtg - 08-09-2015

It would be great if we can integrate the Illuminate\Auth component in Codeigniter 3. any idea on it?

RE: Illuminate\Auth in Codeigniter 3? - Blair2004 - 08-10-2015

since each libraries has their pros and cons, every developper has their own preference and due to this, Illuminate (that i'm discovering) cannot be integrated into CodeIgniter 3.0.

RE: Illuminate\Auth in Codeigniter 3? - Narf - 08-10-2015

Here's an idea - do a little research before posting random questions.

RE: Illuminate\Auth in Codeigniter 3? - kenjis - 08-12-2015

Why Illuminate cannot be integrated into CodeIgniter 3.0?
I don't know it would be really great or not, but it seems we could.

Oh, Illuminate\Auth depends on symfony/http-kernel. So we can't integrated into CodeIgniter 3.0?

$ composer show -i
danielstjules/stringy    1.10.0 A string manipulation library with multibyt...
doctrine/inflector       v1.0.1 Common String Manipulations with regard to ...
illuminate/auth          v5.1.8 The Illuminate Auth package.
illuminate/contracts     v5.1.8 The Illuminate Contracts package.
illuminate/http          v5.1.8 The Illuminate Http package.
illuminate/session       v5.1.8 The Illuminate Session package.
illuminate/support       v5.1.8 The Illuminate Support package.
nesbot/carbon            1.20.0 A simple API extension for DateTime.
psr/log                  1.0.0  Common interface for logging libraries
symfony/debug            v2.7.3 Symfony Debug Component
symfony/event-dispatcher v2.7.3 Symfony EventDispatcher Component
symfony/finder           v2.7.3 Symfony Finder Component
symfony/http-foundation  v2.7.3 Symfony HttpFoundation Component
symfony/http-kernel      v2.7.3 Symfony HttpKernel Component
symfony/translation      v2.7.3 Symfony Translation Component