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Illuminate\Auth in Codeigniter 3?
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It would be great if we can integrate the Illuminate\Auth component in Codeigniter 3. any idea on it?

since each libraries has their pros and cons, every developper has their own preference and due to this, Illuminate (that i'm discovering) cannot be integrated into CodeIgniter 3.0.
NexoPOS 2.6.2 available on CodeCanyon.

Here's an idea - do a little research before posting random questions.

Why Illuminate cannot be integrated into CodeIgniter 3.0?
I don't know it would be really great or not, but it seems we could.

Oh, Illuminate\Auth depends on symfony/http-kernel. So we can't integrated into CodeIgniter 3.0?

$ composer show -i
danielstjules/stringy    1.10.0 A string manipulation library with multibyt...
doctrine/inflector       v1.0.1 Common String Manipulations with regard to ...
illuminate/auth          v5.1.8 The Illuminate Auth package.
illuminate/contracts     v5.1.8 The Illuminate Contracts package.
illuminate/http          v5.1.8 The Illuminate Http package.
illuminate/session       v5.1.8 The Illuminate Session package.
illuminate/support       v5.1.8 The Illuminate Support package.
nesbot/carbon            1.20.0 A simple API extension for DateTime.
psr/log                  1.0.0  Common interface for logging libraries
symfony/debug            v2.7.3 Symfony Debug Component
symfony/event-dispatcher v2.7.3 Symfony EventDispatcher Component
symfony/finder           v2.7.3 Symfony Finder Component
symfony/http-foundation  v2.7.3 Symfony HttpFoundation Component
symfony/http-kernel      v2.7.3 Symfony HttpKernel Component
symfony/translation      v2.7.3 Symfony Translation Component

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