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    Thread: Outside the recent fun from our Terminator
Post: RE: Outside the recent fun from our Terminator

We must understand semantic versioning (https://semver.org/#spec-item-7) differently because a minor change such as 3.1 to 3.2 indicates there is no backward compatibility break. While I agree tha...
1 Replies
07-07-2020, 06:12 AM
dave friend
    Thread: Is a beforeFind on a Model a bad idea?
Post: RE: Is a beforeFind on a Model a bad idea?

tgix Wrote: (06-29-2020, 10:29 PM) -- What am I missing? /Mattias -- It is possible to define custom events. The (static) class method Events::on() allows you to register an event using any name...
7 Replies
06-30-2020, 05:44 AM
dave friend
    Thread: $session is not accessible to view
Post: RE: $session is not accessible to view

@nuj_3313 Wrote: (06-28-2020, 12:56 AM) -- Thanks! it's work! But is it really required to assign it to view, is it not available automatically, I mean I also have to use the URI segment and other ...
5 Replies
06-28-2020, 06:42 AM
dave friend
    Thread: IntlDateFormatter gregorian calendar
Post: RE: IntlDateFormatter gregorian calendar

mohs3n Wrote: (06-28-2020, 05:32 AM) -- When I create a new instance of IntlDateFormatter in the controller I get this error: Error Class 'App\Controllers\Panel\Articles\IntlDateFormatter' not fo...
3 Replies
06-28-2020, 06:23 AM
dave friend
    Thread: Getting path/URL of uploaded files
Post: RE: Getting path/URL of uploaded files

dariusbaker Wrote: (06-26-2020, 06:34 PM) -- Code: -- http://localhost:8080/Users/path/to/app/writable/uploads/20200626/1593171870_2ebce4905386e30800cf.jpeg --  I guess the error makes sense because...
2 Replies
06-27-2020, 06:29 AM
dave friend
    Thread: Generated SQL query in 4
Post: RE: Generated SQL query in 4

stepgr Wrote: (06-27-2020, 03:17 AM) -- Hi all, very new to CI and after a short time in v3 I started to getting familiar with v4 . I have some ready sql queries (from phpmyadmin) that I would li...
2 Replies
06-27-2020, 06:13 AM
dave friend
    Thread: Accessing Session Id
Post: RE: Accessing Session Id

68thorby68 Wrote: (06-27-2020, 03:36 AM) -- Hi, I am a little confused as how to access the Ci4 session id to ensure the correct session is being used.  In the past I would store the session id in...
1 Replies
06-27-2020, 06:03 AM
dave friend
    Thread: Temp data that must be destroyed at end of lifecycle
Post: RE: Temp data that must be destroyed at end of lif...

vincent78 Wrote: (06-26-2020, 09:15 AM) -- @dave friend: Thanks for your answer I have an abstract class User Maybe, the best solution is to have a public static property in this class : $current...
5 Replies
06-26-2020, 11:08 AM
dave friend
    Thread: Temp data that must be destroyed at end of lifecycle
Post: RE: Temp data that must be destroyed at end of lif...

For v3 using Hooks is probably the way to go. Specifically for your needs, the post_controller hook. It's pretty well explained in the documentation (https://codeigniter.com/userguide3/general/hoo...
5 Replies
06-26-2020, 08:53 AM
dave friend
    Thread: Temp data that must be destroyed at end of lifecycle
Post: RE: Temp data that must be destroyed at end of lif...

Which version of CodeIgniter?
5 Replies
06-26-2020, 05:33 AM
dave friend
    Thread: Single model per aplication .
Post: RE: Single model per aplication .

You don't need the code you show. Any model loaded using $this->load->model(...) already creates a singleton. You can use the Auto-loading Resources (https://codeigniter.com/userguide3/general/autolo...
1 Replies
06-25-2020, 06:11 PM
dave friend
    Thread: CI 3.2 - does it worth it?
Post: RE: CI 3.2 - does it worth it?

I like the idea of full reliance on exceptions. Is that what you are thinking?
4 Replies
06-25-2020, 12:25 PM
dave friend
    Thread: CI 3.2 - does it worth it?
Post: RE: CI 3.2 - does it worth it?

I am inclined to think of 3.2 as serving to make the jump to a supported version of PHP. PHP v5+ EOL'd at the end of 2018 and PHP v7.2 EOLs at the end of 2020. Jumping to PHP 7.3 might be enough o...
4 Replies
06-25-2020, 11:04 AM
dave friend
    Thread: The future of Codeigniter
Post: RE: The future of Codeigniter

orionstar Wrote: (06-25-2020, 09:57 AM) -- This guy is just lol, this video just made my day... :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7L7B5A5Kmg -- I agree, he is a joke. However, I'd like to suggest ...
50 Replies
06-25-2020, 10:21 AM
dave friend
    Thread: Virtual hosting is forcing https
Post: RE: Virtual hosting is forcing https

InsiteFX Wrote: (06-25-2020, 08:42 AM) -- You can no long use .dev it redirects to google. SEE: A domain just for developers (https://domains.google/tld/dev/) -- The whole idea of top-level domain...
6 Replies
06-25-2020, 09:07 AM
dave friend
    Thread: The CodeIgniter Foundation is finally here.
Post: RE: The CodeIgniter Foundation is finally here.

What is the current status of The CodeIgniter Foundation?
24 Replies
06-25-2020, 08:53 AM
dave friend
    Thread: Custom Classes : general questions
Post: RE: Custom Classes : general questions

kilden Wrote: (06-23-2020, 05:38 AM) -- Hello, 1 - What do you think about creating a class that I can use in many Models, Views and Controllers ?  2 - Where should I put this class "for a good p...
5 Replies
06-23-2020, 06:35 AM
dave friend
    Thread: Is there an external cart library?
Post: RE: Is there an external cart library?

There are literally dozens of very competent shopping cart libraries for PHP out in the wild. That's the reason none exists in the new CodeIgniter. Find something that's still being maintained an...
2 Replies
06-22-2020, 07:02 PM
dave friend
    Thread: ajax redirect to exception/error pages
Post: RE: ajax redirect to exception/error pages

Looking at the URLs you're setting for window.location I pretty sure you are getting redirecting to a 404 anyway. CodeIgniter expects the URL segments after to represent controller/method/args and ...
5 Replies
06-22-2020, 11:36 AM
dave friend
    Thread: session()->has('???') always blank in view file
Post: RE: session()->has('???') always blank in view fil...

If I understand correctly the code you show is inside of the ajax.success callback. If that is true then the problem is that the PHP will only be evaluated once when the page is first loaded but not ...
2 Replies
06-22-2020, 08:35 AM
dave friend

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