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Help a newbie, please

I've put CI in a test area on my local machine (Ubuntu 8.10 laptop) and on a GoDaddy hosted domain to give it a try. I've gone through the tutorial and built the blog application. It works perfectly on my local machine. I copied the code over to the test area on my GoDaddy site and made the appropriate changes in config.php to change the base URL and made the changes in database.php to point to the MySQL instance on GoDaddy. I'm having trouble getting the app to work on my test site at GoDaddy. The test site is hosted at http://testarea.deerdata.com. If I navigate to the root, the blog loads fine, pulling the data from the database. However, if I navigate to http://testarea.deerdata.com/blog/, I get redirected to the CI 404 page. Any hints?



[eluser]Pascal Kriete[/eluser]
I'll take a shot in the dark.

You probably need a question mark after index.php in your .htaccess file, since ?/blog works fine.

Welcome to CodeIgniter.

[quote author="Pascal Kriete" date="1231711916"]I'll take a shot in the dark.

You probably need a question mark after index.php in your .htaccess file, since ?/blog works fine.

Welcome to CodeIgniter.[/quote]

Adding the "?" after index.php in my .htaccess file didn't work. However, adding "?" after index.php in config.php did seem to do the trick.

In config.php, I changed:

$config['index_page'] = "index.php";


$config['index_page'] = "index.php?";

And, this seems to work. Is this the "standard" way of getting this to work, or is there something "non-standard" about my GoDaddy hosting setup?



[eluser]Pascal Kriete[/eluser]
GoDaddy is generally a little difficult to work with. What you're doing now is fine, I was under the impression that you wanted to remove index.php.

I believe there is a wiki page on how to achieve that on GoDaddy, but it looks like you're good to go for now.

Glad to have you aboard.

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