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Site setup - subcontrollers?

I am setting up a site which splits neatly in two: a public site and a members-only site. Is it possible to set up CI so that, on the members side, controllers are called as

where 'directory' and 'jobadverts' are my members-only controllers? The "/members/" segment merely indicates which part of the site you are on.

On the public side, all the pages are static and I use a single "public" controller and .htaccess routing to load each page as
http://www.mydomain.com/public/page2 ...

However this won't work on the members only side as I want different controllers for the various utilities. Would it be possible to call another controller from a base "members" controller?

I don't know whether to use .htaccess, the CI url helper or some other form of routing. Please help.

[eluser]sparkling tux[/eluser]
As far as I know - there's no way to do something like $this->load->controller().
I use routing (system/application/config/routes.php) for such purpose.

i never tried this but maybe you can put some logic into the routes file? If the uri class is loaded by then you could do this:

if ($signed_in) {
$route['whatever'] = 'members';
} else {
// load public
$route['this'] = 'public';

i have no idea if it would work or if it's possible. just the first thing that came to mind Smile

Do you really need the member/public portion of the URL?

Unless they are seperate (sub)directories, you could lose them.

Just have

and let your directory decide what happens to logged in and not logged in users.

[eluser]sparkling tux[/eluser]
To route depending on the status of the user (logged/not logged) I'd use pre-controller hook.

Use FreakAuth in combination with a single set of controllers. FreakAuth allows you to create user groups. You can restrict access to controller methods, views, etc. based on the user group membership. You could create a public group for anonymous users and a separate member group for privileged users.

For example, you could display a menu to all users who are not logged on. Selected menu options would not be displayed unless the user was logged in and a member of the member group. You can handle this by wrapping individual menu options in conditional code (if/else statements) that check to determine if the user is a member of a specified group.

Find the FreakAuth thread and get the link to the dedicated site. There are tutorials there and the library comes with sample code.

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