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Removing index.php From Pre-Built Site

Hi There,

Totally new to CodeIgniter but been using EE for a while now so I'm not completely in the dark.

I was kind of handed this pre-built CodeIgniter site to revise and launch, and I'm having some trouble with the URLs. The links are set to go to pages without index.php. "No problem" I think, I'll just upload the standard "negative" method .htaccess file and we'll be all set. Well doing that completely removed all styles and images from the site.

What else should I try to get these index.php-less URLs working? Another type of .htaccess file? I'd rather not add index.php to the links if I don't have to...


When referencing your assets such as images, stylesheets, JS, etc, you may need to give an absolute URL to them rather than relative.

For example, on most of my sites, I use something similar to this:

Also make sure in your htaccess file you have the condition to allow access to your assets (ie images/js/css/etc).

This what I use:
#remove index.php from URL
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|cgi-bin|css|images|robots\.txt)
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php?/$1 [L]

Worked like a charm! Thanks veritascs!

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