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ODBC: Database Class - Field Data


In a ODBC db, when using $this->db->field_data(), the primary key is not defined.

I've searched in odbc_result.php and I've found out that primary_key is always set to 0.

function field_data()
        $retval = array();    
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->num_fields(); $i++)
            $F              = new stdClass();
            $F->name        = odbc_field_name($this->result_id, $i);
            $F->type        = odbc_field_type($this->result_id, $i);
            $F->max_length  = odbc_field_len($this->result_id, $i);
            $F->primary_key = 0;
            $F->default     = '';

            $retval[] = $F;
        return $retval;

But there is a method to find out which is the primary key using ODBC.

I've wrote the following function on odbc_driver.php
function primary_key($table = '')
        if ($table == '')
            return 0;
        $result = @odbc_primarykeys($this->conn_id,$this->database,"dbo",$table);
        return (odbc_result($result,"COLUMN_NAME"));

Using this, if I call $this->db->field_data('table_name') from the controller I get the correct primary_key name, so far so good. But now I've a problem, I don't know how to set the primary_key correctly when calling $this->db->field_data().

My idea was to do something such as this on odbc_result.php/field_data:

function field_data()
        $retval = array();
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->num_fields(); $i++)
            $F                = new stdClass();
            $F->name          = odbc_field_name($this->result_id, $i);
            $F->type          = odbc_field_type($this->result_id, $i);
            $F->max_length    = odbc_field_len($this->result_id, $i);
            $F->primary_key   = odbc_field_name($this->result_id, $i) === $primary_key ? 1 : 0;
            $F->default       = '';

            $retval[] = $F;

        return $retval;

Where $primary_key is set using my primary_key() function.
Can anyone help?

I don't really need this, I'm just trying to improve field_data() when using ODBC so it could be added to codeigniter source.

PS: I'm sorry for any mistake, but english is not my primary language Smile

Thanks in advance,

Just to be clear, the problem I'm having is to call primary_key() from odbc_result.php, since in odbc_result.php I don't have access to connection resource, table name and database name that are needed to find out which is the primary key, only in odbc_driver.php :down:


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