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Footer problem???


First of all, I'm new to CI.

I'm developing a site where I separate header, content, and footer into separate views. Everything works fine until ran into this problem....I have built an model for the footer, in which I want to present some statistics in. I could call the model in every contentpage controller, but that would be to repeat myself with the same code over and over.

Is there anyway to call my footer-model from an global controller?

I would appreciate some help!


you could use a display_override hook....
or you echo your footer with a post_system hook...

but you need something to generate the data... hm...

then you could use a basecontroller... search for extending controllers or my_controller or something...

it works like this:
save a controller like this:

class Welcome_original extends Controller {

and safe another controller like this:
include ('base_controller.php');
class Test extends Base_controller {

    function Test()

if I remember correctly, you can save the basecontroller as my_controller (where? in the library folder? I donĀ“t know... try it...) and then it gets automatically included and you only have to write xxx extends my_controller... okay? ;-)

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