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getting values from urls


I'm having troubles to get values from urls. I can get the name of the controller etc but if i try to do something like http://mysite.com/controller/1, it gives me errors.

- Htaccess works, mod_rewrite works, everything should be ok there.
- print $this->uri->rsegment(1); results correctly "controller" but if I try print $this->uri->rsegment(2); and try to get a value, I get a following error:

404 Page Not Found

The page you requested was not found.

So all it does is, that it assumes it as a some kind of controller, not variable value like index.php?id=1! I want it to be a value that I can pick up from URL. How to achieve that?

However, is this wrong way to do it at all, should I use Session or something like that to solve this problem?


Open your config file change the following values.

$config['uri_protocal'] = "PATH_INFO"; //resolves page not found
$config['enable_query_strings'] = TRUE;

This resolved my issue with passing values in URL. Hope it solves your problem.

Nope, still not working the way it should. Gotta be something else, that I just haven't spotted yet.

did you try grabbing the info by using $_GET?
foreach ($_GET as $key => $value)
if ($key=='id') $id=$value;


managed to get it work. I was using the controllers the way they should not have been used in this case. It seems that I can only take a value when I use http://example.com/main/news/thisIsValue. If I use http://example.com/main/thisIsValue, it does not work same way.

It's certainly not so easy to move away from procedural coding to oop(mvc) styled codin Smile.

It has nothing to do with OOP or MVC. It's the common way frameworks identify the controller and its method.

If you want to use one segment, you use routing
$route['main/(\d+)'] = 'main/news/$1';

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