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Simple tutorial problem: redirect problem

Hi michel,

Re-read the bit I suggested above - it's also in the [url="/wiki/FAQ"]FAQ[/url] :

[quote author="jedd" date="1254940665"]
About 99% of the time, headers already sent comes down to one of these things:

o Closing ?> tag with new lines after them. Solution - don't use closing ?> tags anywhere, ever,*
o Whitespace before a <?php opening tag at the start of one of your files,
o echo (print_r, var_dump, etc) in your non-view files.

* Note that this obviously doesn't apply to views, but rather helpers, libraries, models, controllers and so on.[/quote]

It's one of the more compelling reasons for single-person developers to run a code versioning system - so that you can bisect your way back to a working copy of your project, and identify what change was made that introduced this error

If no data is appearing on screen before the error, it usually means a closing tag somewhere with some blank lines (or even spaces) after it - so check your controllers, models, helpers, and libraries.

Try to identify which pages generate the error, so you can narrow in on where the problem is.

Usual trouble-shooting procedures apply here.

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