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[Problem] Session data recreated on each page load

Hello everyone.

I have been developing a very large commercial project in CodeIgniter starting about a week back after I made the decision to move my old code over to the system, and at first, I thought everything was just magical. The system is wonderful and it is definately a joy to use.

However I have recently hit a roadblock today. After I created another application running under the same CodeIgniter instance (for cross-subdomain session storage), my application has decided to suddenly stop operating normally.

Apparently, every time I load a page in my application a new session ID is created therefore losing an previous data. Now I have tried tons of things under the sun, but maybe the professionals here can give me a helping hand because I really do not want to revert back to my old pre-CI code.

$config['sess_cookie_name']        = 'ci_session';
$config['sess_expiration']        = 7200;
$config['sess_encrypt_cookie']    = TRUE;
$config['sess_use_database']    = TRUE;
$config['sess_table_name']        = 'ci_sessions';
$config['sess_match_ip']        = FALSE;
$config['sess_match_useragent']    = TRUE;
$config['sess_time_to_update']     = 300;

$config['cookie_prefix']    = '';
$config['cookie_domain']    = '';
$config['cookie_path']        = "/";

A few additional things to note (things I have tried that didn't work):

- Set the session to never expire
- Disabled use database
- Disabled encryption
- Changed the cookie domain
- Changed sess_time_to_update
- Removed the second application and went back to the first application only
- Tried under Chrome, IE, and Firefox
- Changed my cookie path, domain, and prefix settings to mess around with it

If anyone knows the solution, I will be eternally grateful, becuase as you can see I am stumped.

Not that anyone here cared, but I solved my problem. All I had to do was change the name of the cookie from the default ci_session and then I removed the following code:


Because that particular code was somehow producing the effect explained above. Very disastrous, but now that it is fixed all is well.


Where did you remove that line? If you did in your session library, you just destroyed your app.

What a funny joke...no, I removed that in my own code.

Still, you'll probably get problems later on.
I've had the same thing a while back, thought I 'fixed' it by getting rid of session destroy...

Result was that the session cookies gotten way to big after a while, somehow piling up stuff from previous, undestroyed, sessons.


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