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DB caching problem


$this->db->cache_on(); creates folder called cont+meth

$this->db->cache_delete('cont', 'meth'); doesn't delete folder above.

$this->db->cache_delete_all(); removes everything from main cache folder including htaccess and index.php

$db['default']['cachedir'] = './application/cache';

$config['cache_path'] = '';

Can anyone tell me why $this->db->cache_delete('cont', 'meth'); doesn't work?

Thanks in advance

I assume that no one knows anything about it.

Quote:Can anyone tell me why $this->db->cache_delete(‘cont’, ‘meth’); doesn’t work?

I believe this will only delete the contents of the folder, not the actual folder itself. I imaging if you want to actually delete the folder itself you'll have to code that in native php, but in all honestly I cannot really see a reason to delete the folder itself.

It doesn't even delete content.
Also, don't worry about this post because I started using Phil Sturgeon's cache library instead.

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