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Any known issues with CodeIgniter on VestaCP?

(This post was last modified: 07-28-2023, 11:25 PM by perlejohns.)

As of my last update in September 2021, there were no widespread or major known issues with running CodeIgniter on VestaCP. CodeIgniter is a popular PHP framework, and VestaCP is a widely used control panel for managing web hosting environments. They are generally compatible, and users have successfully deployed CodeIgniter applications on servers managed with VestaCP.

However, it's important to note that software updates and changes can occur after my last update, and new issues may have emerged since then. To ensure the best experience, always keep your software, including CodeIgniter, VestaCP, PHP, and other components, up to date with the latest stable versions. Regularly check the official CodeIgniter and VestaCP communities and forums for any reported issues or solutions related to their compatibility.

If you encounter any specific issues while running CodeIgniter on VestaCP, it's recommended to seek support from the respective communities or forums, as they can provide more up-to-date and specific guidance for your situation.

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