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Form Generation Library

hey sean,

1. the onkeypress comes from config/form.php
2. what do you mean by "properly"? :-) and when exactly do you add the underscore?
3. you should use "style=width:100px" instead of size, but you can also use "size=100" in the fifth parameter

to 1) see user guide: config file
to 3) see user guide: text element

Getting "The upload path does not appear to be valid." when using the upload method. Did I miss someting? BTW kickass library mate!

I've been playing around with library and think it's great! However I'm having a problem calling a model.

I see on the previous page you've suggested something like:

->model('auth', 'checklogin')

function checklogin(&$form, $data) {
    /db stuff

This works fine for me but I don't want my models to be tied down to this library in case I decide to change in the future.

Is it possible to have something more abstract like this?

// Controller
->model('auth', 'checklogin', array($username,$password))

// Model
function checklogin($username, $password) {
    //db stuff

@echoDreamz: if I remember it right you need to set the absolute path to the upload directory (not the relative)

@nzmike: no, sorry. i guess if you want to use something like that you need to call your model manually within the

if ($this->form->valid)
   // call model here and then add_error(), stop further execution and re-display form

Hi Everyone,

I just completed a quick reference guide for the Form Generation Library since I always forget myself which value goes where in the library's methods. I thought you'd appreciate to have one, too. So I am making it available for everyone. Oh and by the way, did I mention that I love small donations? ;-)

Here it is for download:
Form Generation Library Quick Reference

I am working on the next update for the library. Features that will be implemented:

- open() method can be omitted if the form is sent to the current_url()
- fieldset(FALSE) will close the last fieldset added
- new method ->flush() will flush form data (useful if more than one form is generated in the same controller)

I am currently adding support for ->nobr() and other "last accessed" methods in checkgroups and radiogroups. Stay tuned for the next version coming up soon.

Okay, I'm clearly doing something wrong here.

I've been trying to use this library, and it seems like it could save a lot of time (particularly with recaptcha).

I'm a total noob to CI (started tinkering with it yesterday), rusty with my PHP, and probably a little retarded.

I have the following code in my controller (site.php):
function contact()
        $content['navigation'] = $this->site_model->navigation(); // Loads a function in site_model that generates navigation as a list
        $content['main_content'] = 'contact'; // Tells includes/template which file to use for content
        $this->load->library('form'); // first of all we have to load the library
        $this->form // then we fill the form with elements
        ->text('name', 'Your Name', 'trim|alpha_numeric|max_length[30]', 'Your Name')
        ->text('email', 'Your Email Address', 'trim|alpha_numeric|max_length[50]|callback_valid_email', 'Your Email')
        ->text('subject', 'Subject', 'trim|alpha_numeric|max_length[30]', 'Subject')
        ->textarea('message', 'Your Message', 'trim|alpha_numeric|max_length[5000]', 'Your Message')
        ->recaptcha('Are you human?')
        ->onsuccess('redirect', 'site/sent');
        $content['form'] = $this->form->get(); // this returns the validated form as a string
        $content['errors'] = $this->form->errors;  // this returns validation errors as a string
        $this->load->view('includes/template', $content);    
    function sent()
        echo "Great success!";

And includes/template references views/contact, which is:
<div id="contact_form">
    <h1>Contact Me</h1>

Should be simple, right? I haven't even gotten to the part where it actually sends the email itself...

Except submitting, even without a valid email, just refreshes the page without returning an error message. I have my recaptcha keys in the config file, but leaving that space blank doesn't return any error messages. When I fill it in properly, it just refreshes instead of sending me to site/sent.

What am I doing wrong? D:

@macigniter where am I setting the full path for the uploads?

I have one controller called editor, which will accept a model with an underlying db table.

The editor has the following methods:
edit($model) // detects insert, and update

To accomplish this I want the model to supply the form like this:

$this->form->model('user', 'get_form_fields');

What do you think about that? Good idea? Bad design?

Ok, I guess the method didn't work as I had anticipated...

I see now that it is called after the form is submitted, and therefore can't be used to build the form.

In this case I would have preferred to have a huge array defined in the model, that would be used to popuplate the form. Is this possible? Any other approaches?


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