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Form Generation Library

That's awesome for registration and I'll be going down that road soon, but this is just simple retrieval of a valid email account based on previous registration. Just trying to recover the users first and last from the model back to the controller without having to separate the calls. I wasn't sure if there was a direct way to access a return result from a $this->form->model or if it had to be seperate.

On a different note, are there any bookmarks for client side jQuery validation and using it with CI? I see it being pretty simple since they are separate validation pieces, but I'm curious on how people have worked with AJAX calls. I checked out most of the nettuts stuff and they are very much lacking on CI/AJAX integration info. Also searched the forums, but nothing jumps out as a clear best practice post.

Thanks for the reply!

Whoops, my mistake. I read too fast and thought it was unique emails. Sorry about that.

Sending you a PM about the ajax stuff since it is kinda offtopic.

Also having the in_array error. Seems it applies on CI 2.0+ and not CI 1.7.3.

Will there be a permanent fix to this? Or do we edit the library ourselves all the time? Smile

I've uncovered something odd. It seems like if I have multiple radio buttons on a form, they're all being assigned the same name.

//make an array to populate yes and no radio controls
$radios_yesno[] = array('yes|yes', 'Yes');
$radios_yesno[] = array('no|no', 'No');

->fieldset('User Information')
->radiogroup('onename', $radios_yesno,'','no')
->radiogroup('differentname', $radios_yesno,'','no')
->radiogroup('totallydifferent', $radios_yesno,'','no')

$data['form'] = $this->form->get();
$data['errors'] = $this->form->errors;
$this->load->view('add_user', $data);

When the page loads, and I check the source, all three radiogroups have the same name:

<br />
&lt;input type="radio" name="totallydifferent[]" value="yes" class="check" id="yes"  /&gt;&lt;label for="yes" class="left check">Yes</label>
&lt;input type="radio" name="totallydifferent[]" value="no" checked="checked" class="check" id="no"  /&gt;&lt;label for="no" class="left check">No</label>
<br />
&lt;input type="radio" name="totallydifferent[]" value="yes" class="check" id="yes"  /&gt;&lt;label for="yes" class="left check">Yes</label>
&lt;input type="radio" name="totallydifferent[]" value="no" checked="checked" class="check" id="no"  /&gt;&lt;label for="no" class="left check">No</label>
<br />
&lt;input type="radio" name="totallydifferent[]" value="yes" class="check" id="yes"  /&gt;&lt;label for="yes" class="left check">Yes</label>

&lt;input type="radio" name="totallydifferent[]" value="no" checked="checked" class="check" id="no"  /&gt;&lt;label for="no" class="left check">No</label>
<br />

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Nevermind... apparently the "|" in the array was a bad idea...

$radios_yesno[] = array('yes|yes', 'Yes');

//should be

$radios_yesno[] = array('yes', 'Yes');

[quote author="Maglok" date="1301674011"]
Will there be a permanent fix to this? Or do we edit the library ourselves all the time? Smile

Absolutely! Wink No, not really, but I cannot commit a fix amount of time for this library and can only work on it when there's some time off. I think it is a good idea to put the lib on BitBucket. I will do this soon so everyone can contribute and commit.

I have put the code up at BitBucket so everyone can contribute to the source:


Your work is very much appreciated macigniter.

I bumped into something I bumped into earlier as well. If you toggle required it attaches the required class to a label. I get that. Is there any reason why it doesn't do so with radiobuttons and dropdowns?

[eluser]Davide Bellini[/eluser]
Hi guys!
I've some problem using ->config() ...

If in configuration file I set :
$config[1]['nameasid'] = TRUE;
$config[2]['nameasid'] = FALSE;

Always load config[1] ... however if set :
$config[2]['nameasid'] = TRUE;
$config[1]['nameasid'] = FALSE;

It works fine, why???

HI mac,

how if i want to deal with a text-area rich text editor like tiny mce or fckeditor?

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