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Form Generation Library

Looking at the code, I stand corrected. The Error, if set for "inline" will only appear following the field.

Looking at the code you would need to search for $this->_make_error(); and change the order in each field type.

You will see something like:
function text()
$atts = $this->_filter_atts('input');
$el = $this->_make_label('before');
$el .= $this->field_prefix.form_input($atts).$this->field_suffix;
$el .= $this->_make_label('after');
--> $el .= $this->_make_error();
return $this->element_prefix.$el.$this->element_suffix;

Theoretically if you move the line with "$el .= $this->_make_error();" up in the order of processing such as:
function text()
$atts = $this->_filter_atts('input');
$el = $this->_make_label('before');
--> $el .= $this->_make_error();
$el .= $this->field_prefix.form_input($atts).$this->field_suffix;
$el .= $this->_make_label('after');
return $this->element_prefix.$el.$this->element_suffix;

This would case the error to be generated and listed before the field but following the label.

Hope this helps.

Thanks so much for your clearly instruction,

So we not have option to control without break into Library code.

Because i scare for later uppdate maybe have, so i hope have option to change it.

But ok your solution is exactly what i want to this time.

Thanks again for your kindly help!

I got strange error with this library :

<div style="border: 1px solid rgb(153, 0, 0); padding-left: 20px; margin: 0pt 0pt 10px;">

<h4>A PHP Error was encountered</h4>

<p>Severity: Notice</p>
<p>Message:  Undefined index: class</p>
<p>Filename: libraries/Form.php</p>
<p>Line Number: 533</p>


my application/config/form.php


$config['nameasid'] = TRUE;

$config['replace'] = 'FALSE|TRUE|TRUE';

$config['xss_clean_post'] = TRUE;

$config['group_prefix']     = '';        // wraps around checkgroups and radiogroups
$config['group_suffix']     = '';
$config['element_prefix']     = '<p>';        // wraps around all elements
$config['element_suffix']     = '</p>';
$config['label_prefix']     = '';        // wraps around labels
$config['label_suffix']     = '';
$config['field_prefix']     = '';         // wraps around fieldsets (inside), inputs, buttons, textareas, selects, captchas & recaptchas
$config['field_suffix']     = '';

$config['error_open'] = '';
$config['error_close'] = '';

$config['error_string_open'] = '';
$config['error_string_close'] = '';

$config['error_class'] = '';

$config['error_inline'] = FALSE;
$config['error_inline_open'] = '';
$config['error_inline_close'] = '';

$config['error_flag'] = '';

$config['globals'] = array();

$config['defaults'] = array();

$config['recaptcha_api_server']            = 'http://api.recaptcha.net';
$config['recaptcha_api_secure_server']    = 'https://api-secure.recaptcha.net';
$config['recaptcha_ssl']                = 'FALSE';
$config['recaptcha_verify_server']        = 'api-verify.recaptcha.net';
$config['recaptcha_key_public']            = '';    // Complete with your key
$config['recaptcha_key_private']        = '';    // Complete with your key
$config['recaptcha_theme']                = 'white';
$config['recaptcha_lang']                = 'en';    // Valid language codes on http://recaptcha.net/apidocs/captcha/client.html

/* End of file form.php */
/* Location: ./application/config/form.php */

my controller :
//change password
    function change_password()
        $data['title'] = 'Change password';
        ->password('old','Old Password','trim|required','','class=text-input')
        ->password('new','New Password','trim|required','','class=text-input')
        ->password('new_confirm','Confirm New Password','required|min_length[' . $this->config->item('min_password_length', 'ion_auth') . ']|max_length[' . $this->config->item('max_password_length', 'ion_auth') . ']|matches[new_confirm]','','class=text-input')
        ->html('<div class="clear"></div>');
        $data['form'] = $this->form->get();        
        $data['errors'] = $this->session->flashdata('message');        
        if ($this->form->valid)
            $post = $this->form->get_post(TRUE);
            $identity = $this->session->userdata($this->config->item('identity', 'ion_auth'));
            $change = $this->ion_auth->change_password($identity, $post['old'], $post['new']);
            if ($change)
            { //if the password was successfully changed
                $this->session->set_flashdata('message', $this->ion_auth->messages());
                $data['errors'] = $this->ion_auth->errors();
                $data['content'] = 'admin/change_password';
                $this->load->view('admin/template', $data);
            //$data['errors'] = $this->form->errors;            
            $data['content'] = 'admin/change_password';
            $this->load->view('admin/template', $data);

New question regarding the form generation library. I couldn't find it the documentation or in searching the forums, but is there a way to designate what select option is selected? I'm working on an edit screen and while I can get my custom select dd working, I cannot figure out how to have it preselect the option that it is.

Any help would be appreciated!

[Of course when I post this I figure it out that I overlooked the documentation, been staring at the screen too long!]

It is likely that this has been reported before, but I found a little bug in 1.0.4.

Checkboxes (did not check on radio boxes) do not repopulate.

Line 1737 of Form_validation.php holds the error.

// If the data is an array output them one at a time.
//     E.g: form_input('name[]', set_value('name[]');
if (is_array($this->_field_data[$field]['postdata']))
    return array_shift($this->_field_data[$field]['postdata']);

This does not work for the form_generation library which needs all of the values every time.

My quick fix was to comment out this code, but there should be a in library fix. Perhaps something that stores the previous values? Thoughts?

I am loving this library so far and have not found any bugs in it. I'm currently modifying the tank_auth class to use this form library and I noticed this library does not have support for captchas. Is the captcha element planned in an upcoming release? The tank_auth library provides support for Re-Captcha. It might be a quick solution.

I began learning the CI framework yesterday or I would try to update this library to include the captcha element. I might have to anyway Wink

And I dive in and see the function for recaptcha element creation and then I notice it's documented too!!! lol

Hy all,

I found a little bug in the form generator. When you try to repopulate a multiple select with multiple values only one option gets selected. This can be fixed by changing line 644 of the library (Form.php) from:

$el .= $this->field_prefix.form_dropdown($this->name, $this->options, $this->selected, $atts).$this->field_suffix;


if (count($this->atts["selected"]) > 1)
    $el .= $this->field_prefix.form_dropdown($this->name, $this->options, $this->atts["selected"], $atts).$this->field_suffix;
    $el .= $this->field_prefix.form_dropdown($this->name, $this->options, $this->selected, $atts).$this->field_suffix;

Hope this helps anyone so they don't need to spend an hour debugging the (absolutely great) library. I hope this will be fixed in the next release.


Sandhje Bouw

I'm working on a form that has some quite complex form validation at the moment (Sections that open and close with required or not depending on other values). At present I do the complex validation in my model callback (Before saving), however if the validation fails then the model is not called and my additional errors are not shown. It would seem a nice extra feature to add a extra_validation() method that is called during your validation process with (&$form, $data) so that this would not be in the model but in the controller and all errors shown at the same time. (Does this make sense?

Loved your library, well made and well documented Smile keep it up. I'll probably give it a go on my next CI project Smile

Hmmm, I'm using the latest version and I've got a problem with Muti-selects not showing all the options selected after validation failed. Only the top items gets picked - any ideas? Sad

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