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PyroCMS v0.9.7.4 - an open-source modular general purpose CMS

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
[quote author="sshz" date="1241547495"]Phil, this is not the best way. Cyrillic slugs in news works fine, there is no alpha_dash validation, only trim, is this not enough?[/quote]

I was agreeing with you. There is no need for me to do anything extra than what you suggested, I was over-thinking your original request.

[quote author="NightLion" date="1241549536"]in the v1.0 in the cms installer, u can put a script to create the sub-images dirs, like products, galleries, and chmod them to 777. its more easy than put pesmissions one by one at FTP :S[/quote]

Yes don't worry it does that. :-)

[quote author="NightLion" date="1241549536"]if u can, for multiple languages, change the time function to strftime, because in portuguese-brazilian language May it's Maio, then in strftime i just put a "setlocale(LC_TIME, 'pt-br')" and its translated, but with the time function dont :S[/quote]

I will look into this but I doubt it will get into v1.0, perhaps a little later on. For me it is not a massive priority. Sorry!

Hi, I'm back with my short tags errors.

In summary using an EasyPHP 3.0 installation on Windows, Pyro is failing for me.
(Apache 2.2.11, PHP 5.2.8, MySQL 5.1.30 )

If I leave the rewrite_short_tags FALSE, pyro just spitts the raw PHP.

If I turn rewrite_short_tags to TRUE, Pyro "eats" some code and I get this:
            &lt;? if(is_module('newsletters')):; ?&gt;
            <div id="subscribe_newsletter">
            &lt;? endif; ?&gt;
            &lt;? if(is_module('news')):; ?&gt;
            <div id="recent-posts">
                <h2>Recent Posts</h2>

            &lt;? endif; ?&gt;
        </div>.... etc

So it's not showing whatever it's on top of that, and then starts spitting raw PHP again.
Any clues?

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Is anybody able to re-create fatdog's issue and shed some light on the situation?

Cyrillic characters now supported via sshz's suggestion in url_title() and humanize() and have both been tested for news article titles (and therefore news slugs), page slugs and other titles. Seems to be all good!

I will wait for any more bug reports before tagging v0.9 tonight. Then I will get stuck into TinyMCE integration, Shop module, CMS installer and the module handler.

Thanks a lot Phil!

I have some kind of bug. It's only related to "live" environment, on local XAMPP installation it works fine.

No flashdata is transferred through form submittion, so when contacts form submittion calls for $this->session->flashdata('captcha_'.$captcha_id); it gets nothing and capcha stops working.

Getting flashdata through redirect() works fine. Getting capcha through set_userdata() then userdata() works fine. It's php5 server with alomost default config. I don't know what is this bug related to.

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Tell me more about the environment and I will have a go. Should be setting up my new cloud server for philsturgeon.co.uk tonight so will have a chance to give the most recent version a live test.

That also means that a demo of PyroCMS is just around the corner. Traffic to my site was already too much for the VPS to handle, couldn't risk adding any more traffic! >.<

maybe I'm wrong but rewrite_short_tags works only on server with php4
try edit php.ini file in apache folder and change line: "short_open_tag = Off" to "short_open_tag = On" that should solve the problem

btw i think you should try xampp Wink

[quote author="michalsn" date="1241643314"]@fatdog
maybe I'm wrong but rewrite_short_tags works only on server with php4
try edit php.ini file in apache folder and change line: "short_open_tag = Off" to "short_open_tag = On" that should solve the problem

btw i think you should try xampp Wink[/quote]

Ok thanks, now it works. (Except for a bunch of notice errors on the admin panel, layout_fragments/sidebar.php but I'll deal with that later.)

I know it's not really a big deal because I doubt many servers out there have short tags turned OFF, but ideally it will be better if it could work out of the box without having to touch php.ini files.

I did used XAMPP until one day MySql Server went Skynet on me. Reinstalling didn't work, had deadline biting my ass, installed EasyPHP and never looked back.

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Im not sure why I chose to use short tags in the PHP view files. I normally am completly against short tags but this CMS was being developed for use by me and me alone to get client sites out faster which would be hosted on my servers. For that reason I started off not giving a damn about portability because I was "The Creator!" of the CMS's universe.

What are the notices in sidebar? I had a silly bug sneak in so the current "bleeding edge" should be good now, but I am about to tag a v0.9 download anyway.

Oh, and i'm glad it works for you now. Let me know how it goes!

I'm getting this notice:
<p>Message: Uninitialized string offset: 0</p>
<p>Filename: layout_fragments/sidebar.php</p>
<p>Line Number: 6</p>

I haven't even searched this thread to see if it was brought up before, I could turn off the notices for now to check pyro out, but I guess I'll just wait for the next release.

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Yup that'll be fine when you get v0.9 which is available now.

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