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Modular Separation - PHP5 (Modules)

Hi all,
I need to load a view from a different location other than those in module and application folders.
To achieve this I am setting

$this->CI->load->_ci_view_path = 'my/new/custom/path';

before calling

$this->CI->load->view($view, $data, TRUE);

in my controller.

The problem is that the method actually called is the one in application/libraries/MY_Loader.php
Is there a way to to call the overridden "view" method (the one defined in system/libraries/Loader.php?
Thanks in advance, ralf

Hi all,
I don't see Modular Separation activate the 'index' method as default for module controllers. Is there any other way to bypass the uri segment 'index', rather than to configure routes?

Hi @wiredesignz you library is really good and working fine for me but i have some problem which im facing with modular separation is that is not calling member function of MY_Language and MY_Config of any other library is using. it always checking MX_Language and MX_Config classes in you MY_Loader library. i have check the modular separation with following library


How can we solve this problem

i have fixed it by extended your MX_Language and MX_Config class with MY_Lanugage and MY_Config file just want to confirm is OK to do so.

Hi all! First off thanks for this great library!

I have a problem when I try to load a model from a controller.

My folder structure is as follows:

- controllers/admin.php
- modules/blog
- controllers/blog.php
- models/blog_model.php
- modules/category
- controllers
- models/category_model.php

From my blog controller I try to following:
function __construct() {

The first model, blog_model, is loaded without any problem but the category_model cannot be found. Am I suppose to add more to the model url to be able to load a different model in my blog controller?

Thanks and regards!

##### EDIT #####

Ahh I'm just crazy today. Noticed that it's as simple as just adding the module name in front of the model name as such:


Isn't it like this?


And same for the others?

First off, love the library. Seems to be MUCH faster than Matchbox. So far I'm thrilled to have made the switch. However, I'm running into a problem trying to load language files.

I have a core_module in 'application/core_modules/pages'. The language file is located in /application/core_modules/pages/language/english/pages_lang.php'.

In my CMS, I'm using the language files to load the names and descriptions of all of the modules so that I can handle enabling/disabling them. Here's the call in my modules model:

public function get()
        // Get list of directories
        $map = scandir(APPPATH.'modules/');

        // Build our modules list
        $modules = array();
        foreach ($map as $key => $file_name)
            if ($file_name != '.' && $file_name != '..' && is_dir(APPPATH.'modules/'.$file_name))
                $modules[] = $file_name;

        return $modules;

Whenever it runs, it spits out the following error:

Unable to load the requested language file: language/english/welcome_lang.php

Anyone have any ideas what I'm doing wrong, here?


@kilishan, Try including the module name and file name if you need to cross load from another module.
$file_path = $file_name.'/'.$file_name;

Well, crap. Thought I had tried that, but just tried again and it worked like a charm. Can't remember for the life of me what I did differently previously, but I guess it really doesn't matter, does it?

Thanks for the assist!

just a quick question.

I am able to get my controllers to extend MY_Controller just fine, but I have to use MX_Model in order for them to extend. Why is this? Why will controllers extend the default MY_, but the models need MX_?

When I try to extend MY_Model, it tells me it's not found, but once I change it to MX_Model, it works perfectly.

Modular Separation utilizes spl_autoload(), so your MX_Model parent class will be loaded for you automatically on demand. However it specifically ignores MY_ prefixed parent classes leaving those for CodeIgniter to load.

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