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Modular Separation - PHP5 (Modules)

You have already been told that there is no PEAR or Config directory associated with Modular Extensions. Your installation is at fault.

Is there a reason for you to have Modular Extensions located in a directory named "trunk/application/third_party/MX"?

[eluser]Abu eldahab[/eluser]
[quote author="wiredesignz" date="1287308865"]You have already been told that there is no PEAR or Config directory associated with Modular Extensions. Your installation is at fault.[/quote]

ok then why I'm getting this error ?

Fatal error: Class 'MX_Config' not found in trunk\application\third_party\MX\Base.php on line 74

and Config.php is already included, I'm using CI 2.0 with PHP 5.3.3

Is there a reason for you to have Modular Extensions located in a directory named “trunk\application\third_party\MX” ?

To be honest you give very little information about your problem so there are no clues to help you fix it. We already know you are running CI 2.0 and PHP 5.3.3 there is no need to repeat that.

Which files do you have in the application/core directory ?

[eluser]Abu eldahab[/eluser]
[quote author="wiredesignz" date="1287309315"]Is there a reason for you to have Modular Extensions located in a directory named “trunk\application\third_party\MX” ?[/quote]

this because I was using SVN and the full path is

Fatal error: Class 'MX_Config' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\samafw\trunk\application\third_party\MX\Base.php on line 71

i recorded my installation steps again without SVN video may be I'm doing some thing wrong would you check this link plz



I copied my Codeigniter installation from one server to another (rsync'ed the whole directory and then changed the site URL in the CI config.php file). It works fine on the old server, but I am getting the following error message on the new server:
An Error Was Encountered
Unable to locate the file: m_common.php
I have checked, and the file is at 'application/modules/common/models/m_common.php', right where it's supposed to be.

Both installations operate in the root directory of a subdomain (i.e. 'http://site.domain.com/index.php'), and according to application/libraries/Modules.php file, I am using "Modular Extensions - PHP5" "version 5.2.31".

I would be grateful if you could point me in the right direction. I've been working on this for a while now, and am willing to try anything.

@abu eldahab, Your video shows you have an error, nobody has doubted there is an error, but it is not a Modular Extensions error. And why are you using application/core/MY_Controller.php when you are not extending MX_Controller in the Welcome controller?

Are you using HMVC or simply require modular separation?

Go back and read the installation instructions on the Bitbucket wiki again.

@Nothsa, Modular Extensions version 5.2 is no longer supported.

Thanks for the heads-up, wiredesignz.

Which version of what library should I be installing instead of Modular Extensions v5.2?

Modular Extensions v5.3

[eluser]Abu eldahab[/eluser]
[quote author="wiredesignz" date="1287319081"]@abu eldahab, Your video shows you have an error, nobody has doubted there is an error, but it is not a Modular Extensions error. And why are you using application/core/MY_Controller.php when you are not extending MX_Controller in the Welcome controller?

Are you using HMVC or simply require modular separation?

Go back and read the installation instructions on the Bitbucket wiki again.

I made Exactly like wiki said, and i need HMVC not only modular

Now i made every thing again with Ubuntu 10.10 & apache 2 & PHP Version 5.3.3-1ubuntu9.1

and i have good news every thing worked fine !!

my problem now with my remote server and my local server when using windows

i think this is not Modular Extensions problem Smile may be some PHP configuration needed i don't know

any suggestion ?

[eluser]Abu eldahab[/eluser]
the problem was with pear path inside PHP.ini Smile now every thing working very fine thanks wiredesignz for your effort

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