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A3M - Account Authentication & Authorization Module

[quote author="Peng Kong" date="1270805202"]...along with ACL (which im starting next week).[/quote]
ACL as in being able to
1) view/post to myspace, facebook and twitter
2) Read/send messages from gmail/yahoo/aol
Is that assumption correct or am I thinking about a different ACL (I'm thinking about access, control, list)?

Also I have suggestions:
1) The ability to delete your account
2) The ability to view other members profiles because as I see it, you can have your own profile and it states that the information is publicily available but I see no way to view other members account.

[eluser]Peng Kong[/eluser]
1) Admin delete or user delete? if user delete can he restore?
2) There's already a template. http://localhost/a3m/account/account_user/index/[insert-user-name]
All you need to do is plan how to allow discovery of users.

when I try to access http://localhost/a3m/oauth/apps it redirects to the account controller
pls help

[eluser]Peng Kong[/eluser]
you need to be signed in to access oauth/apps.

my bad i shouldn't show the "developer" link when users aren't signed in... that serves as confusion.
will change in v0.7

thx for your response. I was trying to make an app for foursquare.com

[eluser]Peng Kong[/eluser]
cool let me know how that goes Smile

1) User delete their own profile. No restore because it's so simple to signup again.
2) Thanks for that didn't notice it. Will implement a search function.
3) No response about my question on ACL? (see page 10)

[eluser]Peng Kong[/eluser]
1) delete as in totally gone from DB without a trace it ever existed?
3) Role based access control control list... can be used to control anything and everything on yourself... you the developer decides! Basically i envision it as some kind of "framework" to determine "permission/access" of each user... then the developer decides what each permission allows/doesn't allow the user to do. Details non cuz i haven't really decided how to do it yet! lol

1) Yes
2) Can you please provide an example or scenario of usage as I don't really understand what you mean.
3) Have you seen my reply to the facebook connect problem?

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