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A3M - Account Authentication & Authorization Module

I have a problem when i try to sign out, not are cleaned the session or cookies variables.

Can you look into implementing Facebook OAuth (new) authentication system?



Hey there,

I recently installed the script but when I want to open the site it just shows up a blank page without any errors.

Is there a problem with my apache/php configuration? I am using Apache 2 with PHP 5.2.6 and MySQL 5.0.26. When I install CodeIgniter w/o any additional modules, it works. Can someone help me out?


any progress on this project?

is this project still active?

[eluser]Peng Kong[/eluser]
somewhat Smile i'm still here.

[eluser]Boan Pasaribu[/eluser]
[quote author="Peng Kong" date="1273650153"]somewhat Smile i'm still here.[/quote]
thx god....
hi...MR.Peng Kong
Thx before for your application.
all function work for me....but when want to sign in from twitter i got an error at Callback URL:http://www.boan-stuff.com/a3m/
and then
404 Page Not Found

The page you requested was not found.
.am i wrong at give callback url?
thx before.

[eluser]Peng Kong[/eluser]
i just have no time to support so hopefully the community can help support too since it's opensource. i'll try to ask question as far i possible.

owan, yes most likely... go to twitter.com/oauth
you application's callback url should be http://www.boan-stuff.com/a3m/account/si...ter/verify

[eluser]Boan Pasaribu[/eluser]
[quote author="Peng Kong" date="1273673228"]i just have no time to support so hopefully the community can help support too since it's opensource. i'll try to ask question as far i possible.

owan, yes most likely... go to twitter.com/oauth
you application's callback url should be http://www.boan-stuff.com/a3m/account/si...ter/verify[/quote]
i change my callback url, and still the same error.
this is the link:http://www.boan-stuff.com/a3m/account/sign_in_twitter/verify?oauth_token=RbL52HTSokijrJq4OxK4hxrlmwWILyyzNCm5wMu764

[eluser]Peng Kong[/eluser]
maybe it needs to be http://www.boan-stuff.com/a3m/account/si...er/verify/
with the trailing /

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