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A3M - Account Authentication & Authorization Module

[eluser]Boan Pasaribu[/eluser]
[quote author="Peng Kong" date="1274374881"]query strings true is needed in order to do openid and oauth "handshake".
you must also set $config['uri_protocol'] = "PATH_INFO";[/quote]
thx peng for your reply.......

[eluser]Peng Kong[/eluser]
does it work?

[eluser]Boan Pasaribu[/eluser]
[quote author="Peng Kong" date="1274375957"]does it work?[/quote]
yeah it's work ...but when i'm put a3m in my server
it load home.php for index but when i'm click the link like sign in,sign up or user guide
The requested URL /a3m/account/sign_in/ was not found on this server.
do you know, what happens peng?

[eluser]Peng Kong[/eluser]
htaccess my friend.

[eluser]Boan Pasaribu[/eluser]
[quote author="Peng Kong" date="1274443654"]htaccess my friend.[/quote]
yeah i already change it...
httpd.conf.....the admin forget to restart the apache lol.

Hey! Will there be any release of 0.7 anytime soon? I would love to get the mysql bug sorted and I'm really looking forward to the new features = )

Yeah I am looking for the new release as well. I am really looking forward to using this in my next project but a 1.0 release or something closer to it would really make a difference

Also, are you planning on integrating the new twitter @anywhere?

[eluser]Boan Pasaribu[/eluser]

is this project still alive?

Amazing work. Thank you, this has saved me so much time.

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