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A3M - Account Authentication & Authorization Module

I will be working on "Banning users" feature after PengKong releases the next release, too. So, ill be waiting for it too. Since the next release will have a Admin Panel, i might as well wait for that to intergrate banning users feature.

We should all work together on the features, but imo, we should all start after the next release since PK's Access Control feature is out, since he'll be best at doing that. But we could all make the minor features help this project.

Thanks Peng Kong..

I am really looking forward to your next release.. if you can release in chunks that would help me integrate it well with my existing customizations.

But do keep us posted.

*really excited*

I too downloaded this weekend. Turned out the SSO for Vanilla.
Was wondering if you had anything in place for an activation/email verification process?

Example: user registers, activation email is sent, user gets email, clicks on link in email, activates account?

Iv been waiting quite long for the Access Control and the Admin panel as promised in the next release.

Peng, could you please give an Estimate at least, since i can schedule my projects ?

thanks alot for the best module ever!

Hi Peng Kong, how to load configs/libraries/helpers of another module from my current module ?

will this be using Codeigniter 2.0 ? and are you going to use the Drivers feature ????

[eluser]Peng Kong[/eluser]
@berserk try doing $this->load->library('account/authenication');
@loopy2 what u mean by will this be using CI2.0? do you mean will it be compatible? I haven't dwell into CI2.0 yet so i wouldn't know.

PK, any chance of an APPROXIMATE release date ? just to see if its worth going with a3m or dx auth.

[eluser]Peng Kong[/eluser]
nope. no approx sorry. use it as it is. if it's not good enuff feel free to try something else like dxauth Smile

very cool library (actually its NOT a library as you have posted the download as a complete codeigniter package)

When i install the complete package i get the beautifull "home" controller in my browser. (it works hell yeah!)
but notice when i click te sign-in or register or connect with facebook links i get a blank page / error.

how can this be? its already working >? not ?

i dont know where to begin bug-tracking. I supposed it already worked ? why dont it work then ?


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