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A3M - Account Authentication & Authorization Module

Is it possible to request extended permissions with facebook in the latest version of the API? I'm trying to request publish_stream permissions in my application using a3m

[quote author="Rob Pomeroy" date="1283979298"]Just when I stumble across this module, the author's website goes up in flames. Bah.

The latest "module" download seems to be an entire CodeIgniter application. Has anyone troubled to extract just the essential files from this download? Could do with repackaging. I'm torn between unravelling this jumble and doing the lot from scratch...[/quote]

The author of this library is not that commited to the library, so I would really like to see an alternative library to this. CI badly needs one.

[eluser]Rob Pomeroy[/eluser]
[quote author="loopy2" date="1284513853"]The author of this library is not that commited to the library[/quote]

That was kind of what I was detecting. Feels like a now-expired "in house" project. I'm trying out Ion Auth instead. Developer is still involved.

[quote author="Rob Pomeroy" date="1284671866"][quote author="loopy2" date="1284513853"]The author of this library is not that commited to the library[/quote]

That was kind of what I was detecting. Feels like a now-expired "in house" project. I'm trying out Ion Auth instead. Developer is still involved.[/quote]

I thought you were after the OAuth library and the whole facebook,gmail, yahoo etc authenticaion . does Ion Auth do that?

BTW is the next release going to work with CI2 ... since its alot better than CI1.7

[eluser]Rob Pomeroy[/eluser]
[quote author="loopy2" date="1284695627"]I thought you were after the OAuth library and the whole facebook,gmail, yahoo etc authenticaion . does Ion Auth do that?[/quote]

At this stage it's more important for me that code is actively maintained. Having now seen the Ion code, it looks relatively easy to plug extra features into it. Since the dev is still around, that's a better starting point for me, on balance.

I've been waiting for several months for new updates, but this project is not being maintained by the author anymore.

I've decided to keep it alive and adapt it to CodeIgniter 2.0. But it's something I cannot do alone! That's why I'm looking for people who'd like joining me to re-develope this project, keeping it alive, and implementing new things. It's an awesome project, we cannot let it die!

Are you interested? Say so in a post. Do you have any suggestions? Post them.

[eluser]Peng Kong[/eluser]
thanks for all the thoughts ppl.

i'm still around just that i don't have the time to maintain the project. so in a way loopy is right i'm not committed to the extend some of you expect. However it doesn't mean im not interested in this project Wink

gr0uch0mars pm me recently asking if he could take over the project. my reply is that he has my fullest permission to do so. the reason i contributed a3m in the first place was to contribute an ideology of how authentication and authorization should be done as i wasn't satisfied with existing libraries.

Quote:Just when I stumble across this module, the author’s website goes up in flames. Bah.
yes. i no longer own that domain, sorry abt that Rob.

The author of this library is not that commited to the library, so I would really like to see an alternative library to this. CI badly needs one.
you're right about the part where CI badly needs a library like this. i put a3m out here because i'm looking for ppl who will help build/maintain it rather then just for ppl to use it, that's given of cause (:

The latest “module” download seems to be an entire CodeIgniter application.  Has anyone troubled to extract just the essential files from this download?  Could do with repackaging.  I’m torn between unravelling this jumble and doing the lot from scratch…

it isn't that i don't have more good code to contribute. i just don't want it to "die" like a3m at the moment, and as most of you can tell i'm not going to 'maintain' it, cuz i don't have that kind of time. (like most of you i got a full time job and that's more important)

[eluser]Peng Kong[/eluser]
hear me out.

in my opinion the 'design' of a3m isn't out of date. sure, the code and libraries might be outdated since this was developed about 8 months ago.

the key to a3m is "LOOSE COUPLING". in fact i tired to architecture the whole package with all the CI design philosophies in mind.

The code which i wrote is actually minimal. All the business logics/hardwork, like connecting with openid, oauth, facebook, etc are from external open source projects that are well maintained. What i wrote are controllers (that use those external libraries) and views (xhtml+css+language)

The point is loosely coupled, anyone of us should be able to easily swap out the outdated facebook library, replace it with the new updated facebook library and easily update the related controllers code.
a3m was engineering with maintenance in mind.

controller to controller and views to views have no dependency (at least that's the idea).
meaning you can totally throw away say "signin with myspace" and nothing will break.
the views are schematic xhtml styled minimally with css, so you can easily throw away the css and put in your own design.

basically as far as i could design, every part can be excluded or replaced without breaking shit here and there Wink modular basically.

What i'm looking for is someone help me work on this dream of an authentication, authorization and account package that is reusable for every project/website that has users.

The latest “module” download seems to be an entire CodeIgniter application.  Has anyone troubled to extract just the essential files from this download?  Could do with repackaging.  I’m torn between unravelling this jumble and doing the lot from scratch…

i'll explain all the dependencies if you guys are interested to know. that exactly can be throw away and what must stay for what to work, etc. everything inside has a reason to be inside cuz the code is suppose to be as light weight as possible so it's easy to understand/extend/maintain.

btw i've done acl on my own to abt 80%-90% so if gr0uch0mars or some else agrees that this idea is right and is the way to go and is willing to work on this. i will contribute that code too.

Hi Peng Kong,

I'll start by downloading the code and trying to understand it. Meantime, you could also explain it.

I've seen in your webpage that you compare 4 authentication projects (included yours). Do you want to add something to A3M, special feature, in the future?

Everything you could share with us now would be great! It's not clear to me (maybe because it's too early here) your ACL project. Could you explain it too, please?

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