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A3M - Account Authentication & Authorization Module

I was wondering if there were any plans for a sort of guide as to setting it up, how to use it etc? Thanks!

In case anyone is reading through this thread and is confused on how to setup a3m properly, I've pieced together a guide / installation document on it:


Enjoy Smile

Jakub, thank you very much for this guide!!!!

Does anyone know how to setup the GET URL structure needed for Google's authentication? Or if we really need to do that or is there a hack using $_POST?

Thanks again

[quote author="Anna_FL" date="1291105858"]Jakub, thank you very much for this guide!!!!

Does anyone know how to setup the GET URL structure needed for Google's authentication? Or if we really need to do that or is there a hack using $_POST?

Thanks again[/quote]

Anna, based on my setup, I have all methods working (haven't tested Facebook tho).
I tested the following:

Google, Yahoo, OpenId (via myopenid), and twitter... all working so far.
Make sure to double check your permissions, as that could be causing problems with authentication if you are getting failures.

[quote author="electronik_0" date="1290164502"]Demo On-line: http://a3m.elartedeprogramar.cl


Hi "electronik_0",
I just try your demo, work ok with facebook and yahoo.
but with google, after login at google, it won't sign in to your web.

btw, i have try mine, and it work ok with facebook, but I've got problem with google and yahoo. it said "Invalid Google OpenID Discovery Endpoint."
anyone can tell me what does it mean? (i didn't change anything on google openid config)

Couldn't get anything but Yahoo to work on the demo. MySpace returned an error and Google and OpenId just threw me back to the home page (not logged in).
I'll try setting it on my machine to see what happens...

Not sure why you guys are trying the demo and commenting on it disappointed, it is an unofficial demo of the a3m module. Best thing to do is try it yourself. It works perfectly fine for me on a Ubuntu box.

@jakub: Thanks for the documentation!

@electronik_0: Thanks for setting up a demo. I just tested it with google without any problems.

@jakub: yes, i have tried mine also, and got this message when trying to log in with yahoo and google “Invalid Google OpenID Discovery Endpoint.”
btw i'm using windows xp and apache (wampserver), and test it on localhost.

anyone has the same problems? or it's only me?

@Peng Kong Thanks for this.
I'm just occuring some problems with facebook connect.
And for the othersBig Grino you want a message system like facebook for this?I have the script ill post it.

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