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A3M - Account Authentication & Authorization Module

Current version of A3M is based on CI 2.0.0. Now there is released 2.0.2. My question is: was system files modified by A3M ? Can I update CodeignIter core ?

Hi, i've noticed that for some reason the picture profile path was wrong here's a short twist to make it work

it's working for me and i know it's not the greates ideea
<?php if (strpos($account_details->picture, 'http://graph') === 0) { ?>

<img >picture; ?&gt;" alt="" />

&lt;?php }?&gt;

&lt;?php if(strpos($account_details->picture, 'http://a') === 0) {
<img >picture; ?&gt;?t=&lt;?php echo md5(time()); ?&gt;" alt="" />
&lt;?php } ?&gt;
&lt;?php if(strpos($account_details->picture, 'pic') === 0){ ?&gt;
<img >picture; ?&gt;" width=50 height=50 alt="local" />
&lt;?php } ?&gt;
&lt;?php if(strpos($account_details->picture, 'NULL') === 0){ ?&gt;
<img src="resource/app/img/default-picture.gif" alt="" />
&lt;?php } ?&gt;

Peng thanks for this great module. I can't wait for your admin panel to be finished.
Quote:Road map for now is ACL n user admin panel. And mobile web experience for everything.


Spanish translation for a3m v2 language files.
Hope is useful.

[eluser]David Hyland[/eluser]
hi there. i'm probably making a school boy error as everyone else here seems to get it working but i'm getting the following error when signing up

Undefined property: Sign_up::$db
Filename: core/Model.php
Line Number: 50

Fatal error: Call to a member function get_where() on a non-object in C:\xampplite\htdocs\taskme\content\a3m_peanutbutter\application\modules\account\models\account_model.php on line 28

and on clicking through to google the following:

Fatal error: Call to a member function get_where() on a non-object in C:\xampplite\htdocs\taskme\content\a3m_peanutbutter\application\modules\account\models\account_openid_model.php on line 28

any ideas?

[quote author="David Hyland" date="1306285545"]hi there. i'm probably making a school boy error as everyone else here seems to get it working but i'm getting the following error when signing up

Undefined property: Sign_up::$db
Filename: core/Model.php
Line Number: 50

Fatal error: Call to a member function get_where() on a non-object in C:\xampplite\htdocs\taskme\content\a3m_peanutbutter\application\modules\account\models\account_model.php on line 28

and on clicking through to google the following:

Fatal error: Call to a member function get_where() on a non-object in C:\xampplite\htdocs\taskme\content\a3m_peanutbutter\application\modules\account\models\account_openid_model.php on line 28

any ideas?[/quote]Try add 'database' and 'session' to app/config/autoload.php (libraries)

[eluser]David Hyland[/eluser]
[quote author="korpirkor" date="1306295007"]Try add 'database' and 'session' to app/config/autoload.php (libraries)[/quote]

Yeah that did the trick thanks Smile

Is this library usable with ajax? in that theres no url dependencies o I can just call the methods as i want through an ajax interface (or even directly)?

Is there any tutorial/wiki for this one? I found one here:


but it's a bit outdated.

[eluser]David Hyland[/eluser]
I also would be very interested to know if there's a way to implement log in via an ajax interface?

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