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A3M - Account Authentication & Authorization Module

@david, take a look at this one: http://openid-demo.appspot.com/
It's not a CI plugin, but one could easily implement it.

May adding signin via Hi5! ?

Why is the CI documentation part of the A3M archive?
Actually it looks like most of CI 2 is part of the A3m archive. Was that done to make it easier on new users to get going?
Makes it hard to separate A3m from the rest of the CI source.


will this work on 2.0.2?


[quote author="dUspan" date="1307464651"]hi

will this work on 2.0.2?


got to google code link on the first page of this topic and there u'll have 2 options 1.7 and 2.0

[eluser]Ben Swinburne[/eluser]
For anyone having problems with the facebook infinite loop problem I've since discovered (or so it would appear) it's to do with Codeigniter losing the $_GET related variables when clean URLs are enabled. .htaccess configurations for codeigniter typically don't include the query string in rewritten URLs, and all of the .htaccess tutorials/examples I've seen for a3m come without it too.

To resolve the issue replace the following line, or the line which does the equivilant in your .htaccess

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /a3m_peanutbutter/index.php?$1 [L]

With this one.

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /a3m_peanutbutter/index.php?$1 [QSA,L]

I've got my $config['uri_protocol'] set to AUTO but I'm not sure how changing it will affect the above proposed solution, and haven't tested it.

Hope this works for other people too.

Arabic translation for a3m v2 language files.


Hope is useful.

Is this a dead module? There hasn't been any development since Feb and questions are going un-answered by the dev

The developer is currently busy as he has mentioned in the thread, hopefully he picks up development sometime soon,



I've found this library/template/plugin very helpful on getting users logged in. But I haven't found a way to use the role/permissions stuff working (I just saw the tables on phpmyadmin, but not its relationship with the PHP code). Is there a controller/view/library I can use to give my site this functionallity?

I read something about someone developing an admin panel or something, but nothing definite or clear.


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