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Ion Auth - Lightweight Auth System based on Redux Auth 2

ben,when i try to register using existed email,
the form will not submit.
any idea to output message [the email is existed.]

Another question about the Ion Auth...

I need to create users in a Database Procedure, using PlpgSQL language... so I need to understand a litle bit better the table "USERS" and the account creation process.

My firts question, what is the "salt"?

My second question goes to the password storage. I need to generate the password encryption in the Database procedure. What kind of encryption is the Ion Auth using?

I have read some code:

// IP Address
        $ip_address = $this->input->ip_address();
        $salt = $this->store_salt ? $this->salt() : FALSE;
        $password = $this->hash_password($password, $salt);

Best Regards,

Sorry my poor english.

[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]

I usually add a validation callback to check the email. I think I've posted one a few times on this thread.

Basically you just check $this->ion_auth->email_check($email);

[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]

You can look through the hash_password method in the model to see how the encryption is done.

If using stored salts it generates a random salt and then stores that in the users row and then does an sha1 encryption with the salt and the password. But just look through that method for the exact algorithm.

btw,where i can find wiki or manual for ion auth?

[eluser]- Obonk -[/eluser]
Dear Ben

Is it oke if I change the field created_on and Last_login to DATETIME and active to enum('0','1')?


Hey guys.

First thing first: Ion_auth is awesome!
I got stuck on this one though: when I run profile function:
$profile = $this->ion_auth->profile();

I only get results from users and groups table.

For some reason i don't get anything back in that query from meta table (phone, company, firstname, last name).
I can run separate query against meta table using user_id to get that data, but it seems to me that profile() function should return that info.

Does anyone have any idea what's up?


Hi Ben,

Can you add regex check in the email check for checking illegal characters?

A customer of mine using PyroCMS has some users entering charters like + - etc.

Thank you

[eluser]Ben Edmunds[/eluser]
There isn't one. Just check out the methods in the model.

- Obonk -,
That should be fine. You can always try it and change it back if needed.

The profile method is still there for backwards compatibility with redux auth. I recommend using get_user() instead.

It is using the CI validation 'valid_email'. Is there an issue with this function?

Thanks for quick reply Ben.

I've tried get_user() - but it does the same thing. It return users and groups tables
without any info from meta table.

Could you confirm that the latest github build with default included schema returns meta info?


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