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get session data


I would like get data from session.
I take session data into mysql;
Create table like this:
session_id varchar(40) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
ip_address varchar(16) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
user_agent varchar(50) NOT NULL,
last_activity int(10) unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
user_data text DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (session_id)
and put custom user data like this:
$newdata = array(
                   'username'  => $data['username'],
                   'roles' => $data['roles'],
                   'logged_in' => TRUE

i would like get user_data->roles information

thanks for your help


do you serialize you user data array before inserting it into mysql and unserialize it when you retreive it before you try to get the role index ?

have swing

Use serialize function to save it as plain text... but is it really neccesary? Why dont use a config file?

well actually, it's not really to save it as plain text but as a string you will be able to gat as an array again with unserialize.

The fact is, it is the usual way to store php arrays in a db... now, you could of course use only cookies as they "understand" arrays or, as i must admit i do, use native php sessions (but even it that case, if you want to use a db to store an array of values you'll have to serialize it)

hope it helps

have swing

$roles = $this->session->userdata('roles');

Smile well, of course, guido/sheldon is right as long as we're not speaking about retreiving from the db anymore...

have swing

The Session library handles all serialize and unserialize but if need be you can call them alone.


thanks for that, not being into that cooky thing a lot i must admit i haven't dug that much into the session class but maybe i should... could be handy to manage "remember me" utility...

have swing

THX everybody help

i try $roles = $this->session->userdata('roles'); nothing happen
and i try $roles = $this->session->userdata('user_data'); nothing happen

if i try $roles = $this->session->userdata('session_id'); show session id

is very frustrating userdata('roles') don't return any information.

and another question is i must unserialize userdata('roles') ?



apparently, according to you first post you're using $newsdata to store your userdata array, have you tried

$this->session->newsdata('roles') ?

have swing

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