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[SOLVED] "Non-object" fatal error when loading two models in a controller

Hi all, I have seen plenty of code examples where there are two models freely loaded and used like so:



But when I load two models in my code, CI claims that the second model object is non-existent. This is my code:

class Main extends CI_Controller {

    function __construct()

    function index()
        $this->load->view('head_section', array('title' => 'Home - Site X', 'marquee' => $this->head_section_model->get_marquee()));
        $this->load->view('home_page', array('X_data' => $this->_data('X'), 'Y_data' => $this->_data('Y')));
    private function _data($type)
        $this->load->model('frontend_model', 'frontend');
        return $this->frontend->home_data($type);

When I stop loading any one model, the code functions normally. But when I run the code above, I'm receiving an error like so:

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined property: Main::$frontend

Filename: controllers/main.php

Line Number: 21

Fatal error: Call to a member function home_data() on a non-object in C:\Program Files\wamp\www\ongoing\SiteX\application\controllers\main.php on line 21

I'm pretty sure I'm missing something fundamental... can someone please help out?

Actually, I don't absolutely NEED this answer right now, but it would still be nice to know why that was happening.

Why don't I need the answer? I realized that it is moot to call your model a "Frontend_model" if you're going to use ANOTHER model to simply fetch <marquee> data for... the *frontend*, LOL. Basically, one model per controller is enough in this case... but still, curiosity gnaws.

Try loading your models in your Constructor!


I did that! The result is the same. I'm getting the same error. If I comment out one model, the other one works. But loaded together, the "non-object" error appears.

i don't know if this may help, but in this line
$this->load->view('home_page', array('X_data' => $this->_data('X'), 'Y_data' => $this->_data('Y')));

you call the "_data" function twice, so the model it's loaded two times also...you get the "... on a non-object" error in the first or second call ???

Can we see your frontend_model?

I loaded up the exact code you showed and it works. Obviously I just made up what the models return.

Could this be of help?

Hi, CIDeveloper thanks for trying to help. Here's the code for the model:

&lt;?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Frontend_model extends CI_Controller {

    function __construct()
    //X and Y data on the home page
    function home_data($type)
        $return = 'none found';
        $this->db->order_by('last_changed', 'DESC');
        $query = $this->db->get($type, 4);
        if($query->num_rows() > 0)
            $return = $query->result_array();
        return $return;

    //get the marquee above the navigation
    function get_marquee()
        $return = 'none found';
        $this->db->order_by('timestamp', 'DESC');
        $query = $this->db->get('home_news');
        if($query->num_rows() > 0)
            $return = $query->result_array();
        return $return;
    //X and Y data in the dedicated pages
    function all_type_data($type)
        $return = 'none found';
        $this->db->order_by('last_changed', 'DESC');
        $query = $this->db->get($type);
        if($query->num_rows() > 0)
            $return = $query->result_array();
        return $return;

^^As you can see, the above is pretty innocent stuff, and there are no errors coming out of there.

Like I had stated, I had abandoned trying to load two models in the same controller after I faced this error. However, I am facing a new, but somehow related problem.

I'm trying to use the pagination library, but it won't execute the create_links() function inside the view. I have already put this line into application/config/autoload.php

$autoload['libraries'] = array('form_validation', 'session', 'pagination', 'database');

All the other libraries are working fine. Except for Pagination and Database. As you can see, I had to include this line inside the __constructor function in the frontend_model:


I'm unable to use any db functions otherwise! CI says $this->db is an unidentified object.

And coming back to pagination, here's the controller code:

function index($type)
        $this->load->view('head_section', array('title' => 'Browse all '.$type.' - Site name', 'marquee' => $this->frontend_model->get_marquee()));
        $pag_config['base_url'] = base_url().'find_partner/index/'.$type.'bml';
        $pag_config['total_rows'] = 4;
        $pag_config['per_page'] = 2;
        $this->load->view('find_partner', array('data' => $this->_data($type), 'type' => $type));

The Pagination initialize() function is working in the controller, but in the view,

<div id="mainbody">
                <div id="inner-page-box">
                    <img src="&lt;?=base_url()?&gt;assets/images/inner-page-box/bg-top.png" id="inner-page-box-top" /><img src="&lt;?=base_url()?&gt;assets/images/inner-page-box/bg-btm.png" id="inner-page-box-btm" />
                    <h1>All  &lt;?=$type?&gt; with Site X</h1>
                        &lt;?php echo $this->table->generate($data); ?&gt;
                        &lt;?php echo $this->pagination->create_links(); ?&gt;

^^ In the above create_links() is not working. The error I'm getting is:

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined property: CI_Loader::$pagination

Filename: views/find_partner.php

Line Number: 8

Can anyone tell me what's wrong? I even changed the config['uri_protocol'] from 'QUERY_STRING' to 'AUTO' to see if that was causing the problem, but there was no result...

Thanks a lot for reading my long message!

// this

// should be

// change the order of the autoload!
$autoload['libraries'] = array('database', 'session', 'form_validation', 'pagination');


Hi InsiteFX!

Thanks for the answer, I did what you had suggested, but no luck on both counts Sad

Even after changing $pag_config to $config, the view is not rendering fully, it's stopping at the place I wrote create_links(); and saying

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined property: CI_Loader::$pagination

Filename: views/find_partner.php

Line Number: 8

And even after changing the order of the $autoload['libraries'] like you had suggested (copy-pasted your code I swear), the model stops working if I don't write $this->load->database(); in the constructor. It says:

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined property: Frontend_model::$db

Filename: models/frontend_model.php

Line Number: 28

I appreciate your time, everybody... please help me pass this storm Smile It's really annoying how a lot of work gets stopped with really small errors like this one!

How did you save your model files? It sounds like you have a naming error!


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