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Integrate Smarty Template Parsing into CodeIgniter

I just looked at my header2.tpl file and I saw the following
<li><a >uri->segment(1) == ""} id="selected" {/if}
<a >uri->segment(1) == "about"} id="selected" {/if}

I will have to find another way to get this to work


Jagar, perhaps you have a syntax / parse error in your template file. Check all your braces and such.

Also, if you're trying to use the CI super object in your template, I believe you need to use lowercase "ci". PHP variables are case-sensitive.

This is my first time i visit here. I found so many entertaining stuff in your post, nice to see that. especially its discussion. From the tons of comments on your articles, I guess I am not the only one having all the leisure here! Keep up

the good work.


While I have the site set to the the following...

define('ENVIRONMENT', 'development');

I am getting so many notices for any variables that has no value.

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: variable_name

Filename: compiled/05c167972ba6cf610a299ccf7eb20dfc787e78c8.file.....php

Line Number: 45

I understand that I can set the environment to production, but I would like to get rid of any errors and notices rather than hiding them and was wondering if you have workaround these

Thank you again

Thank you

Those errors come from your code, not the template library. Chances are you are trying to use a variable in your template that you have not added to your view data array.

Thanks again Aken, I have defined the variables and the errors are not coming back


Hello Aken,

Thank you for creating this CI-Smarty integration.

I had to change MY_Loader.php because syntax errors were not showing.
The end of MY_Loader.php now contains:
try {
$output = $CI->smartytpl->fetch($template);

// Return the output if the return value is TRUE.
if ($return === true) return $output;

// Otherwise append to output just like a view.
} catch(Exception $e) {
and now Smarty syntax errors are showing.

Is this the right way to do this? Can you change it in the git-repository, or should I do a pull-request?

Kind regards,

I'll have to look into that. I never ran into Smarty syntax errors, so I'll check into what kind of errors Smarty throws and how to integrate them into CI. Thanks for the heads up.

I've updated this script today; details are on the first page of this thread or on Github. Smile

hi, i am trying to close caching but i cant. How can i do that?

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