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Installing an old application to a new server

Thanks for that mate,

No errors being written out, and everything working fine with a dummy MY_Controller

[eluser]TWP Marketing[/eluser]
Ok, I'd guess that 2.1.2 has been fixed for the error in 2.0.2 (guess based on the evidence).

Now, do you want to try upgrading your application to 2.1.2 or try to find the error in 2.0.2. They could both take some time. I'd recommend the upgrade, but it will mean looking at all your code and testing step-by-step on each controller. There is no free lunch...

awww and i was just starting to get hungry too....

I would prefer to work through 2.0.2 if possible, as half the code is not mine and so I have limited understanding of some of it. Also there are 11 different controllers I would need to go through, and if the error happens to be the same in each one, as it seems to be... easier fixing one bug in 11 files then doing an entire app again.

This is still confusing the hell out of me, because it is working on a new version of ubuntu/php, the issue is only occuring on this older system, which would make me think the controllers are using some php function that isnt available in php 5.3.3 but is available in php 5.3.10, but thats just a guess

Ok i found the problem line in MY_Controller:


Culprit line in CI_Controller:


I am not sure where to check from here? is it calling something in the autoloader class under libraries?

Or not... there is no autoloader file... I am not sure where that is then...

Culprit line in autoload.php:

$autoload['libraries'] = array('database', 'session', 'layout');

Now I am truely lost as im not sure where these values are coming from.

[eluser]TWP Marketing[/eluser]
[quote author="Rurik" date="1347658004"]Ok i found the problem line in MY_Controller:


Culprit line in CI_Controller:


I am not sure where to check from here? is it calling something in the autoloader class under libraries?

Or not... there is no autoloader file... I am not sure where that is then...[/quote]

The loader is in system/core/loader.php and the method is _ci_autoloader().
But that is used to load libraries and helpers which you have specified in the application/config/autoload.php file. I don't see a problem there.

You say you found a culprit line, what leads you to think that?

I have been commenting everything out and uncommenting line by line. Eventually I find the one where it stops hitting errors and blank lines, which is where its failing to load anymore.

New one is

$autoload['libraries'] = array('database', 'session', 'layout');

in autoload.php, and I think its because I dont have the database, session and layout libraries in my application folder, but I dont have htem in that folder on the other server either.

Layout and Session files are, Database isnt, which is probably causing a problem, but i dont know why I dont have one.

sure enough, commenting out the 'database' bit makes it work again, but now to test if i can still access the database

Yep that caused it to crash when trying to use the database...

[eluser]TWP Marketing[/eluser]
[quote author="Rurik" date="1347660398"]
Layout and Session files are, Database isnt, which is probably causing a problem, but i dont know why I dont have one.[/quote]

My 2.0.2 has no database file in the system/libraries, however the database folder exists outside of the library folder. You could try loading the database directly in a controller:

Try it in one controller, like login.php and see if it does indeed load the database drives and config.

nope that causes a blank page

[eluser]TWP Marketing[/eluser]
Replace the files in system/database directory with the ones form your fresh 2.0.2 download

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