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Codeigniter default uri problem

Firstly i ran into the problem and thought it was on my side but then I removed all the files, uploaded a fresh install of CI 1.6.0, copied the .htaccess exactly from ci user guide, and then edited the config so that
$config['index_page'] = "";
is just like it should, yet when I go to the default domain as in: http://google.com/ I get a 404 error but if I visit google.com/welcome it works anybody else have this error or run into it?

Quick note I just upgraded to 1.6 and this error started. When I was using the previous version everything worked fine.

[eluser]Derek Jones[/eluser]
What's the domain, Chris, is it public? You can often use a tool with mod_rewrite to see what is actually being requested at the server level. The .htaccess example in the user guide isn't going to work on every server, as it's dependent on what's setup in the server configuration.

I messaged you the domain / url the funny thing is it has always worked on my server up until I upgraded to 1.6 I am not sure if it is CI or not but I have tried to eliminate as many variables as possible and it still continues even on a fresh install, withing nothing changed other then the $config['index_page'] and the url to the site.

try removing the ? from: RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php?/$1 [L]

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php/$1 [L]

worked for me (thanks to stevepaperjam)

Didn't have the ? in my .htaccess so I couldn't remove it, still trying to figure it out

have u set $config['base_url']='http:\\www.google.com\'; ?...wut about your $route['default_controller'], have u set its value as 'welcome'?

Both are set right yet it still doesn't work all I did was upgrade to 1.6 and edited the new configs for the site and kept the view / models / controllers the same and now it does not work

[eluser]Derek Jones[/eluser]
Thanks Chris, for linking to this thread in the PM you sent me. The barrage of communication we get makes it very difficult to try to keep it all in memory. :-D

The 404 error you are getting is a CodeIgniter styled error - are you using a custom 404 with .htaccess that just looks like CI's, or is that legitimately CI? If the latter, then I'd go through _validate_request() in Router.php and step through the code, seeing what is being sent to that method, and why the processing is failing. That's the show_404() that seems the most likely to be getting hit.

No custom 404's that is pure CI that is doing it I will try and I have been trying to find whats causing the hang up but I I will post anything if I do figure it out..

[eluser]Derek Jones[/eluser]
Step by step describe how you have traced through _validate_request(). What is contained in $segments? It's not what you expect, follow that back to _set_routing() where it's called. If it does, then step through the code line by line to see where it's failing.

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