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NetBeans Plugin - Second Iteration

So what's the latest news for this CI-Netbeans plugin thing?

The plugin is still experimental. Development on it has stalled Sad

(03-16-2015, 02:26 PM)jlp Wrote: We have just tagged the second iteration of the CodeIgniter3 plugin for NetBeans, version 0.2.
The project repository can be examined or forked.
The NetBeans module can be downloaded and installed into your local NB for testing.

Documentation for the plugin has been started, but has a ways to go.

We would love to have your feedback. Enjoy!

Great new.

I was looking for a codeigniter plugin for netbeans.

Very good work.

Hello every body i am new in code igniter and beginner level i want to use codeigniter plugin in Netbean ??? can any one help me plz!

(01-08-2017, 09:17 PM)[email protected] Wrote: Hello every body i am new in code igniter and beginner level i want to use codeigniter plugin in Netbean ??? can any one help me plz!

Unfortunately, development has stalled, and I don't think the plugin is ready for use Sad

I recommend you use https://github.com/nbphpcouncil/nb-ci-plugin/releases until the official plugin is ready.

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