Authorize.Net (net\authorize\api) Helper |
Hello CI patrons.
I am just starting an integration for the latest Authorize.Net PHP SDK. I couldn't find an example for the newer net\authorize\api method, so I thought I'd start the thread here. I am planning on this structure: - Custom library for most of the code in 'libraries'. - core -> MY_Controller to store some constants. The idea is to be able to load the library in the controller as well as call the function there. Comments welcome if there is a better idea... otherwise, I'll post some code or questions when I have them.
Here is a (very) brief overview of what I did to implement the basic charge CC sample code located here: This should be a good compass to use in addition to AuthNet's instructions. First, init your AuthNet sandbox, etc as the README suggests on github. /core - I happen to put my constants in a MY_Contoller.php file. $this->site_constants['ANET_mode'] = "TEST"; // AuthNet Test (Sandbox) $this->site_constants['MERCHANT_LOGIN_ID'] = "<yourid>"; $this->site_constants['MERCHANT_TRANSACTION_KEY'] = "<yourkey>"; /libraries - create an Authorize_net.php php class file - Note: **special trick** include the autoload.php and 'use' operators / URL's at the very top of the file *before* define!!.. ie: require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use net\authorize\api\contract\v1 as AnetAPI; use net\authorize\api\controller as AnetController; define("AUTHORIZENET_LOG_FILE", "phplog"); ^ very top!! ;-) // create your method in this class.. ie.: public function fAuthNetPurchase($vPayAmount, $vPayWebOrdID = 0, $vPayCC, $vPayExpire, $vPayCVV, $vPayZip, $vPayFName, $vPayLName, $vPayPhone, $vPayEmail, $vPayDescription) - <most of sample code continues here... all the way to:> // Create the controller and get the response $controller = new AnetController\CreateTransactionController($request); - I then created a switch using the constants above to switch between live and sandbox: // LIVE or TEST if ($vANETMode == 'TEST') { // TEST URL $response = $controller->executeWithApiResponse(\net\authorize\api\constants\ANetEnvironment::SANDBOX); } else { // LIVE URL $response = $controller->executeWithApiResponse(\net\authorize\api\constants\ANetEnvironment: ![]() } return $response; /controllers // Back in your controller, create your logic (using rest of the SDK sample code) in: - start with loading the library: $this->load->library('authorize_net'); - call to the method: $data['vPayResponse'] = $this->authorize_net->fAuthNetPurchase($vPayAmount, $vPayWebOrdID, $vPayCC, $vPayExpire, $vPayCVV, $vPayZip, $vPayFName, $vPayLName, $vPayCleanPhone, $vPayEmail, $vOrdDescription); You can then reference the rest of SDK sample code to create your response parse logic and to formulate error reporting. Works great! If you need help or you need a developer.. shoot me a PM. Good luck! Donovan |
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