The CodeIgniter Foundation is finally here. |
Exciting News
We have some exciting news, CodeIgniter now has a new owner, the not for profit and newly formed CodeIgniter Foundation. Created by EllisLab (2008-2014) and fostered by BCIT (2014-2019), the CodeIgniter open source project has now 'flown the nest' and is now free to fly. Nothing Has Changed, But Everything Has Changed We have always been a framework written by developers and for developers, and nothing about that will change. CodeIgniter is dedicated to Open Source and nothing about that will change either. What has changed is that we are now able to move CodeIgniter forward freely, with the imminent release of CI4, with much anticipated official add-ons like Authentication and Authorisation, and with the continued support and dedication of all our highly valued contributors. CodeIgniter can finally flourish and grow without any constraints. We Need Your Help Jim Parry, the CodeIgniter Project Lead and also the Chairman of the newly formed CodeIgniter Foundation, will continue to guide, mentor and direct us as we plunge into a new era of freedom and independence. But we need your help, more than ever. We will need moderators and contributors, testers and bug hunters, authors of teaching materials and video tutorial producers, official add-on managers and content creators. The list goes on. To Help and Support You The bedrock of CodeIgniter is you, the code contributors and our dedicated and supportive community. The CodeIgniter Foundation is dedicated to serving that community, to giving our community a greater voice, to recognising all of our members and supporting our community so that it can continue to be the amazing resource that it is. The Adventure Begins It has been a long path but we have finally reached our first goal. The CodeIgniter Foundation is now a legal not for profit entity and is the official owner of the CodeIgniter Open Source Project. We would like to thank Jim Parry for being the driving force behind this amazing opportunity, and as CodeIgniter stands in the morning light, the vast landscape before us lights up and waits to be explored. Lets continue to enjoy this journey together. Paul. PS The chairman, Jim Parry, will be posting more information about the foundation and the working details as soon as these are clear. I am sure there will be lots of questions but please be patient, we are all volunteers and it is a very busy time for everyone involved. I personally would like to express a deep gratitude to everyone that has contributed to making CI what it is today, and like many others, look forward to the much anticipated release of CI4 sometime in the very near future.
Hi Paul!
It is a great and at the same time encouraging announcement for everything that is to come for our framework and especially for all of us who are part of this community of enthusiastic developers and users of this magnificent work tool. Take the opportunity to ratify my support and interest in everything that is necessary for the community. Regards! (10-23-2019, 08:08 AM)PaulD Wrote: We Need Your Help Hi Paul I want to be part of the team of collaborators, evaluators or error hunters. how is the proccess? greetings MisterGeorgeX
Thanks PaulD and Jim Parry.
As always I will help out in any way that I can. What did you Try? What did you Get? What did you Expect?
Joined CodeIgniter Community 2009. ( Skype: insitfx )
It is a great news for me. I want to be part of tester and core team also I will create tutorials.
just code instead shout
@joarsedu - Thank you. More details coming soon but I will make sure to let you know as soon as we know. Testing etc for CI4 is well under way of course and any bug reports are more than welcome over at the GitHub pages. The new CI website will have even more details about helping and contributions will always be welcome. @InsiteFX - Thankyou, you have already helped so much and your input is always gratefully received and much appreciated. @waseemafzal - Thank you. When we are clearer on what we need I will make sure I contact you. In the meantime resources for community learning are always welcome. The new CI website will have learning resources prominently displayed and contribution will always be welcome. @php_rocs - Absolutely. ![]()
Awesome news !!
I'd like to help with spanish translations ![]() Greets from Argentina ![]()
@miiscan Thank you. Remember bug reports for CI3 or CI4 are always welcome over at GitHub. Anyone can join in with the bug hunt.
@kabeza Thank you. I will make sure you are contacted when we begin tackling the translations. As you will see in the main site header that work has started in that direction - although EN is the only option in the dropdown at the moment. Paul. |
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