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Redux Authentication 1.4a (24th July 2008)

Hmmm, I forgot to change that function to use the id of the user, here's the fix and example

Replace line 480 with :
function get_group($id){return $this->_get_group($this->groups_table, $this->users_table, $id);}

Replace line 784 to 794 with :
protected function _get_group ($table, $user, $where)
        $i = $this->ci->db->select($table.'.title')
        ->join($user, $table.'.id = '.$user.'.group_id', 'left')
        ->where($user.'.id', $where)

        return $var = ($i->num_rows() > 0) ? $i->row()->title : false;


Then you should be able to use the function like so :

$group = $this->redux_auth->get_group($this->session->userdata('id'));
if($group == 'groupname')
  echo 'You are part of group name';
etc ...

Hope that helps.

[edit] Updated the zip file.

[eluser]Scott Boyde[/eluser]
Thanks again, I'm getting there slowly.

Hi, you made a excellent library!!!

i have one question or maybe a suggestion, in the redux_auth.php library into the function register, you use a SELECT to get the last insert id question, why don't you use $this->db->insert_id() from the query helper, i think this could be a good enhancement...

Best Regards...
from Mexico

Hey, thanks alot for this library. Damn fine work. Would you be interested in looking to add a reset password feature for if a user would like to change their password?


I originally posted a query in the Code & Apps forum but was directed here. I've made a few more steps since the previous question.

I'm attemting to set up Redux on a new CI 1.6.2 installation and cannot get the 'user' controller to work - Am I right in thinking that the views referenced in 'user' are not in the redux_auth_1.2 package?


alekz : Thank you for the comment and I will add this feature into the future versions.

jbads : A reset password and change password are different functions, I assume you'll want the change password function and yes, this is in the list of features to implement.

ddruy : You can find the view files here. I will include them in future versions because a lot of people are asking for them.



Thank you so much, Not only does this look like an excellent authentication library, it also makes a very good primer for building a site (PS don't forget the CSS & image files for the views though)

Thanks once again


Awesome. Just a couple of other questions:

I am wondering the best way to check upon login
That a user has not been banned and if so not allow any access.

I may have missed something within the code that already checks these things and acts upon them? Please let me know if so.


I'm just about to go to bed, but look at the "check_access" function.

function check_access($email)
        $result = $this->_check_access($this->banned_table, $this->users_table, $email);

        if ($result)
            if (!empty($result->id))
                return 'BANNED';
            elseif (!empty($result->activation_code))
                return 'NOT_ACTIVATED';
        return false;


Just noticed that it checks against a passed email and not a user id. I'll fix that up and have it with you for tomorrow unless you can't do it.

Updated the front page with news that the project has moved over to google code. This allows me to keep a better grip on bugs and feature requests.

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