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Redux Authentication 1.4a (24th July 2008)

that's right.. the same line added in my script, and works fine =)

Raiko, read post by CI andrea and maybe above fix will make sense to you.

Basically I added (string) => switch ((string) $redux)
So $redux is compared as string, not integer (in case value is true).

You can also read comments from php.net regarding mixed types of values in switch statement here PHP: switch - Manual

[quote author="kvait" date="1217319372"]I think query for _login() should be this:
$i = $this->ci->db->select($users_tbl.'.password, '.
                $users_tbl.'.hash, '.
                $users_tbl.'.id, '.
                $users_tbl.'.username, '.
                $users_tbl.'.activation_code, '.
                $users_tbl.'.banned_id, '.
banned_id - added.

Now it works for me.[/quote]

Odd.. shouldn't need to select it. Oh well

kvait spotted and fixed both bugs.

The redux login method is actually returning the correct result and still logs you in, but the switch statement is buggered. Type casting will fix it as stated but I will try to come up with a more elegant solution.

Without Type Casting

With Type Casting

For now to fix the problem

switch ((string)$redux)
                case "NOT_ACTIVATED";
                    echo "NOT_ACTIVATED";
                case "BANNED";
                    echo "BANNED";
                case false;
                    echo "false";
                case true;
                    echo "true";
Thanks kvait,

To get the banned message you just have to echo out

Should end up with something like this :

Note : It's only available after a refresh.

If you can't wait for me to roll out a fix add this line to the _login method


I'll get an update ASAP.

Hold tight. Smile

Hi! Thanks for redux, it's what I needed. I've been reading the user_guide and I created all the controllers and views for registering, login, and logout. But when I try to copy the code for the forgotten-pass pages, the forgotten_end controller code is wrong, as it's the same as forgotten_process.

What's the right code for this final process?

There are also some errors in the Login view code:
class User extends Controller

Should of known that creating the documenation at 2am in the morning would have bad effects.

I'm already updating it with previous fixes mentioned in this topic so I might as well redo the documenation too.


function forgotten_end ()
        $rules['answer'] = "required";

        $fields['answer']= 'Answer';        
        if ($this->validation->run())
            $redux = $this->redux_auth->forgotten_end($this->input->post('answer'));
            if ($redux) {
                // new password sent.
            else {
                // failed.

login view
&lt;?php echo $this->validation->error_string; ?&gt;

&lt;?php echo form_open('user/login'); ?&gt;

    <label for="username">Email : </label><br />
    &lt;?php echo form_input('email'); ?&gt;<br /><br />
    <label for="password">Password : </label><br />
    &lt;?php echo form_password('password'); ?&gt;<br /><br />

    <label for="submit"> </label>
    &lt;?php echo form_submit('submit', 'Login'); ?&gt;

&lt;?php echo form_close(); ?&gt;

1) Thanks for the answer.
2)It happens that when I write the secret answer returns this error:
A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Trying to get property of non-object

Filename: libraries/redux_auth.php

Line Number: 312

That corresponds to:
if($dbanswer->answer === sha1($this->salt.$answer))

3) When the email at forgotten_begin is misspelled, it returns a blank page (error). I solved it by adding the check_email function before:
function forgotten_begin ()

if ($this->validation->run() == true)
   $redux = $this->redux_auth->forgotten_begin($this->input->post('email'));
   if ($redux) {
    # code...
   else {
    # code...
    echo 'Error';
  else {
   # code...
   echo 'Email does not exist';


4) By the way, when once you've updated the user guide, I can download it and translate it to Spanish, although I don't know if there are any CI Spanish user, but it could be useful anyway.

The reason you are getting that error is because once you hit stage 3 the forgotten password code is removed. You'll have to start from stage 1 and go through the process again to make sure it works. Smile

forgotten_begin will return false when it can't find a result so you could also do :

$redux = $this->redux_auth->forgotten_begin($this->input->post('email'));
   if ($redux) {
    # code...
   else {
    # code...
    echo 'Error';

That should work, not tested.

Yes, it works, it was my fault.

However I don't understand what you meant about the question answer and the forgotten_password_code. What is the action of pass_code when answering the question? It seems the problem is in retrieving the answer and comparing with the $answer provided by the user, doesn't it? I don't know if I explained it clear enough... 8-/

It removes the forgotten password code so you can't keep guessing the answer. Good defence against brute force attacks.

I've realised the documenation wasn't good enough for this release so I'm in the process of redoing the whole lot and more.

You can see the WIP here.


Any requests are welcome.

All the previous bugs mentioned will be fixed.

Thanks for the support.

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