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BackendPro 0.6.1

Well there are system preferences in the config things like encryption key etc. Then examples of own preferences would be, number of days to keep log files for, min length of username, site name. Could be anything you want. The advantage of 'custom preferences' is they are stored in the DB and have a form to edit them, so you don't need ftp access to change things.

Also if your making a site for a client isn't it easier to say, log in and change such and such, rather than open your ftp client find this file edit this line, but don't muck anything up or the entire site won't work.

Really BackendPro is designed and built to make managing a site easier, I can't sell the concept to you, all I can say is have a go and make your own decision.

One more thing, it comes with an advanced asset management system which makes loading css/js easy while at the same time taking care of minimising them and caching for performance.

OK, I'll try it

thanks @adamp1 Smile

As promised, the first screen grab of the new BackendPro 1.0 UI is available on my blog, follow the link to go directly there.


I'm having a problem installing this. It seems to install okay in that I get to the Successful installation screen ( everything there has a green tick). But when I click the "click here" link on the next screen I get 2 errors at the top of the screen:

Severity: 8192
Message: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated
Filename: libraries/Loader.php
Line Number: 414

Severity: Warning
Message: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at H:\XWebDev\backend\system\application\libraries\Loader.php:414)
Filename: libraries/Session.php
Line Number: 662

And in the Backend Pro box on that screen, there is another error msg:

Severity: Warning
Message: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at H:\XWebDev\backend\system\application\libraries\Loader.php:414)
Filename: libraries/Session.php
Line Number: 662

I'm running:
WindowsXP sp3
Netbeans IDE

XAMPP 1.7.2
-Apache 2.2.12 (IPV6 enabled)
-MySQL 5.1.37
-PHP 5.3.0

CI 1.7.2
BEP 0.61

I'm new to CI (found it this last Saturday) so I may be doing something wrong here... This is how I installed it

1-In XAMPP, I made a virtual host so that I can use the url http://backend.local/ to access CI/BEP.
2-Install CI, remove index.php and set base_url in config.php. Confirm that CI is running.
3-Unzip BEP, copy the assests, install,modules and system folder to the CI dir.
4-Modify preference_model.php as per your previous advice to others here.
5-Create a new database and edit database.php.
6-Go to http://backend.local/install

Then I get the err msgs as detailed above. Having a look around I noticed that two changes were made by the install process to my config.php:

1-The url -
$config['base_url']    = "http://backend.local/";
is changed to:
$config['base_url']    = "http://backend.local\/";

2- index.php -
$config['index_page'] = "";
is changed back to:
$config['index_page'] = "index.php";

This is reproducible (sp?), I tried installing 3-4 times each time with the same result, any ideas on how to fix it?


This is an issue with using BackendPro and PHP 5.3, sadly the current version is not compatible. I do not have a fix for it as I am putting any spare time into BackendPro 1.0 which will be compatible with PHP 5.3.

Well at least it wasn't me Wink Not after a specific date, but any idea when it will be ready?

A Database Error Occurred
Error Number: 1064

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') <= NOW() AND active=0' at line 3

SELECT `id` FROM (`be_users`) WHERE DATE_ADD(created,INTERVAL DAY) <= NOW() AND active=0

Any Idea? O_O

@lenzjo: I cannot say, It's not just a new UI its an entire re-write. It will then need testing so I'm not going to set a date.

@Alfredor: Not seen this before but I can reproduce it. Right I think I have found it. Can you check in your database what the preference value is for 'account_activation_time'. Basically what seems to be happening is its meant to be a number but yours is returning NULL.

It dosent have a default value thats why its not correctly working, I have changed it to a number and its working fine by now.

Ok that's good. I don't know why it didn't have one.

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