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Which blog? Inktype or Blaze?

Hello All,

I am working on a new personal website. I wrote a blog myself before but I've seen InkType and Blaze on this forum several times. Both are more feature rich than my own and also with really nice admin interfaces. I am just wondering which one is more popular... I think they are both ok and do the thing I will use them for. However I want to use the best one. Does anyone have any experience with them?



*edit: Or are there any other systems available?

there is no best one. you just have to try each for yourself. both of them are still quite new. there may be bugs here and there. if you want something more matured, its not coded with CI though, but its called WordPress.

[eluser]Jamie Rumbelow[/eluser]
I prefer InkType - It's more constantly developed, and has a better support.

[eluser]Tom Glover[/eluser]
At the moment Inktype is the more actively developed but when Blaze gets going it will be a good roaring fire!

[eluser]Majd Taby[/eluser]
CodeExtinguisher isn't tailored as a blog publishing system, but give the demo a look (in my signature)

Inktype is the better application all round by far. And Developer13 is provides great support also.

[eluser]Leonard Yulianus[/eluser]
i believe eliot develop blaze as a cms, which has a blog module while inktype is a blog from the first time.

i will give my call to inktype, i love the way it's built so far.

good luck with your search !

It shall be Inktype...

Hello all,

I just tried out Inktype and Blaze but with both I am having problems. The blaze download is not complete and I cannot work with the programming style of inktype... Are there any other systems available?



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