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Modular Extensions - HMVC version 5.2

I don't know if this has come up, but if I load the pagination class in a controller, I get an error (displayed at end of the post). Also, there is no longer support for controllers being in sub-directories. Is that intended? I have some of my controllers in controllers/site/controller1.php and I get a page not found error.

Quote:A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Notice

Message: Undefined index: pagination

Filename: libraries/Controller.php

Line Number: 321

Fatal error: Cannot access empty property in /system/application/libraries/Controller.php on line 323

Quote:...if I load the pagination class in a controller, I get an error (displayed at end of the post)...
... no longer support for controllers being in sub-directories. Is that intended?

Loading the pagination library works without error here. Try again.

Controller sub directories are replaced by modules in when using Modular Extensions.

@wiredesignz: thanx for your previous reply, i solved the problem (MY_Loader constructor)

Another question:

in 4.2.06 modules_helper have this:
run($module, $data = '', $method = '')
in my system i call this: modules::run($ModulAdm, $MethodData, 'GetInfoForRelatedContentEdition')

but now (5.1.39) modules::run only for view...
how can i call module method from another module when method is in module/method dir, filename the method name and classname is the same as method name?

Write function in my_loader, load method from module/method dir and return with passed data?

[quote author="BDT" date="1227288648"]
...but now (5.1.39) modules::run only for view... [/quote]

Try one of the following:
$data = modules::load($ModulAdm)->GetInfoForRelatedContentEdition($MethodData);


$data = $this->load->module($ModulAdm)->GetInfoForRelatedContentEdition($MethodData);


$Modul = $this->load->module($ModulAdm);
$data = $Modul->GetInfoForRelatedContentEdition($MethodData);

not work, Call to undefined method pagesadmin::GetInfoForRelatedContentEdition()

I need fast solution for this, and now i write runmethod function (for testing) in Modules.php based your run function and this work:

public static function runmethod($module, $data = '', $method = '')
        if($class =& Modules::load($module))
            /* protect the constructor */
            ($method == '' OR $method == $module) AND $method = 'index';

            $output = $class->method($method, $data);

            $buffer = ob_get_contents();


            return ($output) ? $output : $buffer;

                list($path, $file) = modules::find($method, $module, 'methods/');
                    show_error("Unable to find the module method file in module/methods dir: $module/methods/$method".EXT);
                    $LoadedMethodClass = new $method();
                    $output = $LoadedMethodClass->index($data);

                    $buffer = ob_get_contents();

                    return ($output) ? $output : $buffer;

@BDT, Apologies I did not understand your question properly.

Loading module/method class files is deprectaed in ME 5.1 so writing your own loader is the only option.

Good luck.

Fortunately my updated system work again.

I put class_exist check:

public static function runmethod($module, $data = '', $method = '')
        if($class =& Modules::load($module))
            /* protect the constructor */
            ($method == '' OR $method == $module) AND $method = 'index';

            $output = $class->method($method, $data);

            $buffer = ob_get_contents();


            return ($output) ? $output : $buffer;

                list($path, $file) = modules::find($method, $module, 'methods/');
                    show_error("Unable to find the module method file in module/methods dir: $module/methods/$method".EXT);
                        $LoadedMethodClass = new $method();
                        $LoadedMethodClass = &new;$method();
                    $output = $LoadedMethodClass->index($data);

                    $buffer = ob_get_contents();

                    return ($output) ? $output : $buffer;

Ohh wiredesignz, sorry my bad english 8-/

if anyone use this, remove ; from inside &new;$method();

(forum post bug?)


PHP5 Objects are assigned by reference so & is not required at all.

Use & when you need to obtain reference to a non object variable.

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