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DataMapper 1.6.0


Well, I've tried to read all of the post just to find an answer... but there are 56 pages!!. I couldn't find the answer, so here it goes:

I'm making a Bug Tracker module for a CI app... I'm using DataMapper. I have my "bugs" table and my "priorities" table. The idea is that a bug can be updated whenever I want, just changing the priority, but, of course, keeping track of the priorities it had all along. There is, of course, the bugs_priorities table. there's an id, bug_id and priority_id.... but I need to add a date field, so I can know when happened that update....

- id
- name
- details

- id
- name (i.e: Normal, Critical, Trivial...).

- id
- bug_id
- priority_id
- date <- Here is my problem

I need to know, in example, the priorities that a bug had between two dates...

How can I do that? is there another way?


PD: Sorry about my english!

There is no way to get information from the join tables in DataMapper, currently. You need to use a third Object to store the information, like this:

bugs, priorities stay the same.

fields: id, date
has_one: priority, bug

id, bug_id, prioritydate_id

id, priority_id, prioritydate_id

$bug = ...
$pds = $bug->prioritydate->where("date >=", $date1)->where("date <=", $date2)->get();
foreach($pds->all as $pd) {
    $date = $pd->date;
    $priority = $pd->priority->get();

Now, in the current implementation, you have to use the extra join tables, which is rather ugly, and makes certain complex queries difficult. I have been working on a version that (among other things) allows has_ones to use traditional, in-table fields. You can try it out a few pages back, it is almost a drop-in replacement for the official version. If you use that, then you can drop the join tables, and just make your prioritydate table:

id, date, priority_id, bug_id

And with the testing version, you can run a query like this:
$bug = ...
$pds = new PriorityDate();
$pds->join_related('priority', array("id","name",etc...));
foreach($pds->all as $pd) {
    echo("On {$pd->date}, the priority was {$pd->priority_name}");

The testing code is definitely experimental, however, so you might not want to use it in a production system yet.

[quote author="Murodese" date="1233341217"]
class Creator extends DataMapper
  var $table = 'users';

  var $has_many = array('file');
  // ...

class User extends DataMapper
  var $table = 'users';

  var $has_many = array('file');

  // ...

class File extends DataMapper
  var $table = 'files';

  var $has_one = array('creator');
  var $has_many = array('user');

  // ...

And join tables would become join_files_users and join_files_creators.[/quote]

I am just now implementing this and it is not working for me Sad

I get the following error:

Error Number: 1054

Unknown column 'creator_id' in 'where clause'

SELECT * FROM (`join_files_users`) WHERE `file_id` = 9 AND `creator_id` = '2'

Why doesn't it use 'join_files_creators'?

This is my query:

$c = new Creator();
$f = new File();
$f->name = $this->input->post('file_name');

Check your mysql driver

In the manual go to troubleshooting and should be the first thin there

I already did... that's not it Sad

I figured it out lol

Because the table in the Creator model is set to users so it will join a users table not the creator table...

Change $table = "creator"; and it should join the right table that you want.

Actually there is no "creators" table. The situation is as follows:

There's a "users" table and a "files" table. When a new file is added via the admin panel both the "creator" (which is a user) and the relation of the file to the users (managing rights) is stored.

So I need to save a relation to:
1. the user who created the file
2. the users who are eligible to view the file

ok then... creator then has to extend users instead of datamapper

Check this page it might solve your problem


This is a self referencing type issue.

I read that, too. Tried exactly what was explained, but just can't get it to work Sad Can anyone help with a code example?

EDIT: I am also not so sure if this is a self-referencing issue. Since I really want to reference Users <> Files and Users (as Creator) <> Files. I just can't use the join_files_users table twice...

It's not that a User has_one or has_many Creators. A file has both a relation to users and a creator.

I'm lost Sad

Maybe the only solution to this is adding another CREATORS table?





It's kind of redundant since creators are in fact users, but I have no clue how to solve it otherwise...

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