URI Segments |
Sorry, but I cant find any useful explaination at the forum / wiki about this topic. I beginning with an example: Code: http://www.example.com/index.php?page=products&category=1&supplier=5 How can I handle such a link with the CI URI segment ? If i try Code: example.com/index.php/products/category/1/supplier/5 i dont know how to access the values like in the first example ($_GET['category'], $_GET['supplier'] etc.) I cant find out how much parameters given and i cant choose a specified segment thrue the name, right ? So what else can i do ? The segments are dynamically doing their job as filters .. there could be even more then this two. Thanks for help
if you want to pass data via GET you have to enable query strings in the system/application/config/config.php. otherwise read the userguide article about how the urls in CI work: click here
You can get an associative array of the segments using the uri->uri_to_assoc(). The function has one parameter where you can define the offset if it isn't 3. so in your case Code: print_r($this->uri->uri_to_assoc(2));
ok works fine :-) Thanks alot for this nice and fast support here
Hello, as you noticed, in CI your pass parameters just like URI segments (/some/thing) , instead of the classic varname=value&varname2=value2. The controller function that is called should have parameters for you to get back those variables. In your example, you have to create a controller, something like that : Code: class products extends controller { And then call it with the URL : Code: example.com/index.php/products/show/1/5 More info on controllers in the doc
Dready i think the way you build your url shouldn't be forced. If you like the key/value pair way why should you have to do it with fixed segments. The key/value pairs give you more flexibility.
xwero offers me the best solution i wanted :-) my solution now: products_controller.php: Code: class Products extends Controller { product_model: Code: class Products_model extends Model { Works fine for me But maybe there's something to optimise ? Greets |
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