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Configuring CI in a subfolder of an existing php website

Hi All,

I'm a little new to all this and

I have developed some kind of administration panel in CI. Now i wanted to implement this system on an existing website in a subfolder called '/admin'

Is there someone who can explain me how i can configure it this way?

Thanks a lot in advanced

Just place CI in the admin directory and use .htaccess to remove the index.php and you are set to go.

Hi xwero, thanks for your swift reply, but i dont quite understand you. Is there also a way to do it without the htaccess file?(/admin/index.php/.../...) .. I want to have the rest of the website functional without the redirects.


yes but then you have to live with the admin/index.php/controller/method/args style of urls.

But if you put the .htaccess file in the admin directory is will only affect it and it's subdirectories.

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