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DX Auth 1.0.6 (Authentication library)

[quote author="RHAngel" date="1228322951"]Please fix:

And also please review your naming conventions, because it cause an error on lower/upper case depended OS. If you want to use loading like that "$this->ci->load->library('dx_auth_event')", you need to rename DX_Auth_Event.

to tdktank59
If you put 'dx_auth' in autoload, fix it to 'DX_Auth'.[/quote]

Thanks, i forgot in linux file name is case sensitive.
I'm gonna change it.

[quote author="a&w" date="1228300860"]If you haven't checked out KhACL yet I'll just suggest one more time that you take a peak. I just wonder if you're reinventing the wheel here and doing it inefficiently (a wobbly wheel).

The KhACL approach has roots from phpGACL. Here's a link to an admin panel:

There's a link to the manual there as well to describe the concept.

This doesn't mean your library is a total scrub. The ACL is just one facet of the library. All the user admin stuff is still useful. I haven't looked at your library at all, but if you keep the parts loosely coupled then it offers the ability to swap in other ACL libraries as well (zend acl, etc.).

Backend Pro (in these forums) has an example implementation of KhACL and it's decoupled from the auth management class (should you want to compare notes).[/quote]

Thank you for letting me know about this. I didn't know about ACL thing before.
Backend Pro seems very good (I didn't realize there is this library when i search before).

Actually this library is for my coming project, and this library is good enough to fulfill my needs, so i'm gonna stick for this library, while i'm gonna look at ACL in the future.

I release it to public, because looks like many people searching for a auth library and compatible with latest CI (Including me in the past). So i think it may helpful for someone.

EDIT: i realized the power of ACL now, those who need the more advanced multi user and permission than this library, i suggest you to look at php gacl website.

[eluser]Edmundas KondraĊĦovas[/eluser]
Very well looking library! Lots of useful features, thanks. Wink

Just to telling you i'm gonna change role_uri table into
permissions table

and the field will be designed as below (apparently) to enable you adding custom permissions

Permissions table
data (text) = will be inputed and retreived as array

Just think the data as user_data in CI sessions table.

This looks great, but what platform did you develop this on?

I had to rename everything with "DX_Auth" (note capitalization) to "dx_auth" otherwise it wouldn't work. Names are case sensitive on most linux-based servers...

Just wanted to let you know you also need to include the url helper in the auto load or the files that require it...

Otherwise it throws this to the error logs

Quote:[03-Dec-2008 14:42:26] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function anchor() in /home/fourtwo1/public_html/offroadwars/system/application/views/auth/login_form.php on line 66
[03-Dec-2008 14:42:32] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function redirect() in /home/fourtwo1/public_html/offroadwars/system/application/libraries/DX_Auth.php on line 398

Also need the html helper
Quote:[03-Dec-2008 14:52:34] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function nbs() in /home/fourtwo1/public_html/offroadwars/system/application/views/cpanel/roles.php on line 19

[eluser]Colin Williams[/eluser]
Now I know for a fact I'm not "releasing" my User/Auth library. Enough out in the fray already!

LOL i said the same thing plus this one had almost 100% of the features I was planning on building into it lol...

All besides the many to many with roles


So im looking at how your config works and its static... and kinda annoying how you have some config values in other files... Why not just put them all in the config file and stuff

Yeah, I gave up. I just went ahead and bought EE & EE Forums for the simplicity... that and it can do all that my application needs.

I know not the cheapest route but I'm not gonna waste my time learning 10 auth systems when I don't know if they'll work for me.... especially when I don't have the time to spend learning on them in the first place Tongue

[eluser]Colin Williams[/eluser]
I don't have any intrinsic knowledge on any of the available ones because I've spent the time fostering my own, but I'd imagine there are enough available that one could be picky and choose the heaviest (this or FreakAuth) or lightest (Redux, Fresh Auth) to suit their needs.

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