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DX Auth 1.0.6 (Authentication library)

sorry, i don't get your point.

1/ where do i make an additional query??
2/ object is a bit new to me as i am more used to an array. Why must i use [0] i missed that one when i first made the foreach?

I think i go further with this as i need some simple profile info stored.

tx for taking the time

[eluser]Référencement Google[/eluser]
Let's say you want ot list your users by username with the country near the username (which is a very common task), DX_Auth make you do 1 query to get the username + 1 query for the country, which could be done in 1 joined query. Of course you can do that with DX_Auth but that will make you rewrite some bits of code.

aha, you mean DX_auth hasn't provide us with a function which 'joins' the users table and user_profile table,

In general would you put methods like

function myFavorites()
function lastViewed()

in the user_profile model??

Or should i make a user_profile_features model which extends de user_profile model (or model)???

Do you know if an function user_loggedin() exsits??

[eluser]Référencement Google[/eluser]
As those functions are user related I would add them to the user_profile model, but that depends also about the conception of your application, difficult to tell.

In DX Auth there is for sure a method to check if user logged in. Read the manual.

I downloaded this library today. I changed all the configs to move all views/controllers in different directories.

Everything was changeable from config file except register_recpatcha_form in controllers/auth.php at line 245 ($this->load->view('auth/register_recaptcha_form')Wink

This should also be in config area.


I haven't messed with this library in a very long time and I was wondering:

Is it usable? Could someone possibly list me some of the problems with it?


[eluser]Tibor Katelbach[/eluser]
Hi guys
i might be blind since 2h
but I can't get my hands on the user and admin password available in DX auth sample data ?
can someone help ?

[quote author="Tibor Katelbach" date="1264605152"]Hi guys
i might be blind since 2h
but I can't get my hands on the user and admin password available in DX auth sample data ?
can someone help ?


[eluser]Tibor Katelbach[/eluser]
thanks for your quick help

Hi all!

I migrate user's data from old project to a new, which I develop using CodeIgniter and dx_auth. In the old project we stored user password as md5 hash and I was surprised that just moving data from database doesn't work. I wonder why dx_auth use such a complex way to encrypt password? Does it really help to improve security?

I imagined a situation, where an attacker can replace password field for a specific user. Not knowing what dx_auth does with md5 would prevent attacker to put correct value in password field. But if somebody can change password field in database, he also can change e-mail and just request a password change via web-site.

I just want to know is it really worthy to use such a scheme to store passwords. If it isn't, I would rather change dx_auth to use md5 only.

Thanks in advance :-)

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