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PyroCMS v0.9.7.4 - an open-source modular general purpose CMS

Phil, can you tell me a bit about your roadmap? Will it be only a blogging engine or real CMS? Thank you.

[eluser]RaZoR LeGaCy[/eluser]
[quote author="hugle" date="1263428846"][quote author="RaZoR LeGaCy" date="1263411567"]Ran the above command with no difference, still spitting out error "The upload destination folder does not appear to be writable.".

drwxrwxrwx 5 ******admin psacln 4.0K Jan 13 08:32 galleries
drwxrwxrwx 2 apache apache 4.0K Jan 12 16:40 test

Could it be because the folder is under owner apache?[/quote]


try this:

chmod 777 application
chmod 777 application/assets
chmod 777 application/assets/img/
chmod 777 application/assets/img/galleries

What I mean is, that EVERY directory should be in 777...
And later, directories created in galleries/* - should also be 777 permission - please check that.
that's all Smile[/quote]

drwxrwxrwx 2 apache apache 4.0K Jan 13 14:17 testme

I ran all of the above commands and still nothing. I can add images to the news section through tinymce straight out of the box.

In amdin.php and php 5.3 i made this.

// Dashboard RSS feed (using SimplePie)
        $this->simplepie->set_cache_location(APPPATH . 'cache/simplepie/');
        $this->simplepie->set_feed_url( $this->settings->item('dashboard_rss') );
        // Store the feed items
        //$this->data->rss_items                 = $this->simplepie->get_items(0, $this->settings->item('dashboard_rss_count'));

Admin is working now Smile


I have installed 0.9.8-dev, and here are some inputs:

I should have to create manually:

and run these commands:
chmod -R 777 application/assets/img/products
chmod -R 777 application/assets/img/staff
chmod -R 777 application/assets/img/suppliers
(sinse these commands weren't in INSTALL file)

after these steps, I managed to install the 'dummy data' etc.

Now I visit my site, and get:
Message: Modules::include_once(application/modules/core/settings/libraries/settings.php) [function.Modules-include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory
it is UNIX, ant it it case sensitive... so we need ..../..../..../Settings.php here

example here:

Somehow I managed to launch the -dev version.
I edited MY_Router.php line ~158 :
$location = str_replace('settings.php', 'Settings.php', $location);
            $location = str_replace('user_lib.php', 'User_lib.php', $location);
            include_once $location;
I know it's not a NICE sollution, But I wanted this CMS to runSmile

GUI looks much much nicer, and works for me ~2-3 times faster Smile

Why I want to launch 0.9.8-dev is because I'm planing to develop a new webpage, and wanted a nicer gui Smile

Now when I access Photos module from admin area, I get:
Table 'huglester2_waste.photo_albums' doesn't exist</p><p>SELECT pa.*, COUNT(p.id) AS num_photos
FROM (photo_albums pa)
LEFT JOIN photos p ON pa.id = p.album_id
GROUP BY pa.slug

It's all for now Smile

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
[quote author="hugle" date="1263606855"]Somehow I managed to launch the -dev version.
I edited MY_Router.php line ~158 :
$location = str_replace('settings.php', 'Settings.php', $location);
            $location = str_replace('user_lib.php', 'User_lib.php', $location);
            include_once $location;
I know it's not a NICE sollution, But I wanted this CMS to runSmile

GUI looks much much nicer, and works for me ~2-3 times faster Smile

Why I want to launch 0.9.8-dev is because I'm planing to develop a new webpage, and wanted a nicer gui Smile

Now when I access Photos module from admin area, I get:
Table 'huglester2_waste.photo_albums' doesn't exist</p><p>SELECT pa.*, COUNT(p.id) AS num_photos
FROM (photo_albums pa)
LEFT JOIN photos p ON pa.id = p.album_id
GROUP BY pa.slug

It's all for now Smile[/quote]

Galleries has been ripped out and replaced with a roughtly tested photo_album module which works a LOT better. That explains why /assets/img/galleries was needed. As for settings, somebody else was having this problem and i'm not sure what is causing it. I can't re-create it at this end...

[quote author="Phil Sturgeon" date="1263778667"]
Galleries has been ripped out and replaced with a roughtly tested photo_album module which works a LOT better. That explains why /assets/img/galleries was needed. As for settings, somebody else was having this problem and i'm not sure what is causing it. I can't re-create it at this end...[/quote]

Hello Phil,
can I somehow help reproducing it?
It's just that CMS tries to locate a file with lower case, while it is upper case...

If you want, I could, for example, give you some FTP credentians for testing.
or maybe you could point me on some things Smile

thank you!

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
It may well be an issue with Modular Separation, if you can find out how to re-create it then I can send the test case over to wiredesignz and he might be able to sort it out.

For now, I have released v0.9.8-beta1, this is one issue and I am sure we will find some more. :-)

@phil, I've posted a possible fix for the issue hugle has discovered in the Modular Separation thread.

I did notice that Pyro v0.9.7 had a lowercase filename for the settings library so the current version of Modular Separation had no problem loading it. However if you follow CI convention and name the file Settings.php an error will likely occur on linux file systems. (untested on Pyro v0.9.8)

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
[quote author="wiredesignz" date="1263808961"]@phil, I've posted a possible fix for the issue hugle has discovered in the Modular Separation thread.

I did notice that Pyro v0.9.7 had a lowercase filename for the settings library so the current version of Modular Separation had no problem loading it. However if you follow CI convention and name the file Settings.php an error will likely occur on linux file systems. (untested on Pyro v0.9.8)[/quote]

Thanks wiredesignz. v0.9.7 did have a lower-case settings but that was taken care of in the v0.9.8-dev branch. I have applied your fix and hopefully it will work for everyone who was having the problem.

Now I have to re-tag v0.9.8-beta1 lol >.<

Update: retagged.

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