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DMZ 1.7.1 (DataMapper OverZealous Edition)

It's a good idea, but DMZ doesn't work that way. That parent relationship is stored on a variable called parent, and persists across queries.

However, I think I may understand the problem for bee27: If there is a field called parent in the database, this will break the way DMZ works.

Make sure you aren't using any reserved names. See the red section for common problems.

[quote author="OverZealous" date="1282107746"]@bee27:
Make sure you aren't using any reserved names. See the red section for common problems.[/quote]

@OverZealous thanks! I did take a look at that page, but obviously didn't thoroughly check my database field names and completely missed the fact I had a field in the Pages table called parent! I renamed it and it looks like its working fine now!

I have been reading all the forums about Module Separation and DMZ and cannot understand what the correct answer is. Do they work together? And everytime I call a controller I get "Call to undefined method"

File structure

- config
- controllers
- datamapper
- errors
- helpers
- hooks
- language
- libraries
- models
- modules
-- welcome
-- day
--- controllers
---- day
--- models
---- day
--- views
-- reservation
--- controllers
---- reservations
--- models
---- reservation
--- views
- views

[eluser]Lucas Alves[/eluser]
@kre8ivdesigns... Here's a thread about this: http://ellislab.com/forums/viewthread/154350/

He changed the autoload function to Datamapper look for models in the modules models folders...

It worked to me, although I'm not using this cause I prefered to put all models into application/models folder, just to centralize all of them...

I don't remember it clearly, but I think that this hack has a problem: when a model is in a module folder, you can access the model from the modules controllers, but you cant access them from controllers in the application folder....

I'm not sure about it...

yeah i read that forum... I am trying things out and it seems to be working if I call


but I can no longer do $model = new Model() in a controller.

I might just go back to putting all models into the application/models folder. THANKS

I'm a bit stuck on advanced relationships. I thought I figured it out, but no matter what I do it keeps on creating queries using a non-existent pages_sites table...

I've got a table 'sites', with the fields 'id', and 'template_id'. And I've a table 'pages' with the field 'tree_id'.

My site model:
var $has_many = array(
    // link site->id to page->tree_id in a one-to-many relation
    'tree' => array(
        'class' => 'page',
        'other_field' => 'tree'

My page model:
var $has_one = array(
    // link page->tree_id to site->id in a one-to-one relation
    'tree' => array(
        'class' => 'site',
        'join_self_as' => 'tree'

This works without problems. I can delete a site, which also deletes all pages records that have the sites.id as pages.tree_id.

Now I need to link site->template_id to page->tree_id, so that when I delete a site, it also deletes the pages records that have sites.template_id as pages.tree_id.

* El Forum lost...

I had a problem with include_related_count.

A Database Error Occurred

Error Number: 1054

Unknown column 'citations_subquery.id' in 'where clause'

SELECT `sm_citations`.*, (SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM (`sm_misconceptions`) LEFT OUTER JOIN `sm_citations` citations ON `citations_subquery`.`id` = `sm_misconceptions`.`citation_id` WHERE `citations_subquery`.id = `citations`.`id`) AS misconception_count FROM (`sm_citations`) ORDER BY `sm_citations`.`id` desc LIMIT 20

It seems like subquery is not working. $db_params is set to '' now, do I need to change it to something else?

Thanks a lot.

hey ,
i have a small problem .
my database structure:
portals(parent): id title created ..
categories(child) : id portal_id title..
pages(child) : id portal_id title..
portal.php(model) :
class Portal extends DataMapper {
    var $table = "portals";
    var $has_many = array(
                    "category" => array(
                    'class' => 'category',
                    'other_field' => 'category'),
                    "page" => array(
                    'class' => 'page',
                    'other_field' => 'page')

    function __construct($id = NULL)
class Category extends DataMapper {

    var $table = "categories";
    var $has_one = array("portal");
    var $has_many = array("article");

    function __construct($id = NULL)
class Page extends DataMapper {

    var $table = "pages";
    var $has_one = array(
                        "portal" => array(
                        'class' => 'portal',
                        'other_field' => 'portal')

    function __construct($id = NULL)
so when i use relationship between categories and portal($category->portal->title) it works fine but when i try to get relationship between pages and portal($page->portal->title) it didn't work , i get the following error :
Quote:DataMapper Error: 'page' is not a valid parent relationship for Portal. Are your relationships configured correctly?
i wrote the manual especially the item #4 that's try to solve the problem but i didn't get a solution .

So Page and Portal have a many-to-many relationship.

In that case you need a pages_portals table relationship table, containing the page_id and the portal_id. You now have defined a direct link from portal to page, which defines a one-to-many relation.


Small question: is it correct that validation rules don't run on objects you fetch via include_related()?

I have a table column which contains a serialized array. I've added a rule for that field unserializing it when it's read, and serializing it when it's written (and it's an array). This works file if I use the table object directly, but not if I include it from a related object.

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