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Matchbox RC2

just a thot, do a diff on your config files between the working version and the non-working


I'm looking into Matchbox and it looks pretty good I must say! Got it setup and it seems to be working alright. There's one thing I'm not sure about and that is if it's possible to have like a 'catch all' module that needs no seperate segment.

For instance you have a blog, forum and basic pages. The url to the forum is http://www.something.com/forum/read/, to the blog is http://www.something.com/blog/read/, but there's also http://www.something.com/ and http://www.something.com/basicpage/, where basicpage can be anything but leads to the module 'site' where the 1st segment is read and used as value. How can you do this without the need for adding 'site' to the url? (so to avoid http://www.something.com/site/basicpage/).

Also there may be a seasoned Matchbox guru out there willing to put together a matchbox sample app? No fancy stuff, just the basics to better understand the inner workings.

Any feedback is appreciated!

http://www.something.com/ can be routed to a certain module through 'default_controller' in the routes.php config file.

I'm also pretty sure that a catch all module can be made through the use of routing. Smile Try it out, let me know if it's not working.

Basicly what I wanted from Matchbox was to have it work just like a standard CodeIgniter installation, just with additional organization possibilities. Therefore, most problems (like a catch-all controller) can be fixed with solutions for a standard CI installation.

[quote author="Zacharias Knudsen" date="1210368163"]I'm also pretty sure that a catch all module can be made through the use of routing. Smile Try it out, let me know if it's not working.[/quote]

Well, if it isn't the master himself :-)

Zacharias, I have seen a few supposed solutions regarding a default controller, but I fail to make the proper connection. But what you are saying is that what I'm looking for is achievable? (just have to look better)

Would it be too much to ask for a small yet comprehensive sample app that has this tackled already? Yeah, I'm all for finding out yourself, learn as you go 'n stuff, but it would save me (and others too I reckon) a lot of searching and possibly frustration.

In the meantime I'll be looking at how to taclke it myself Tongue

Hi, I'm using the wonderfull matchbox class for an application I'm developing; but how can I make an user profile URL like this?


It would be call a certain controller and pass the username as argument, and only if there is one argument in URL....

I hope someone could help me...

Bye Bye

Seems like you both need to use routing. I'll play around with the routes.php file sometime soon and see if it's not achievable.

[eluser]louis w[/eluser]
Sorry if this has been asked already, I tried to skim all 33 pages of this thread.

Can you still load configs, helpers, libraries which are located in the applicaiton/config folders from inside a module's controller? That way they can share some items.

Yup, if the requested resource doesn't exist within the controller's module, it will be looked for in the standard folders.

[eluser]louis w[/eluser]
Just gotta say great work Zacharias.

When I first was looking at Matchbox I thought it would be overkill and confusing with all the additional folders I would have to maintain. I installed it this morning in a fresh copy of CI to try it out. It's only been an hour and I already love it! I really enjoy the true separation of "modules" and yet still have some things (like a config) global.

Thanks for sharing this with us.

[eluser]louis w[/eluser]
Wondering something....

If i create a module named 'shared' which does not contain any controller to be used to house misc files (like js) which are shared between modules. This will not ever get called, because it doesn't have a controller. Right?

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