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What tools do you use for frontend, CRUD and speed up development?


I've been browsing the forum and saw a thread related to features developers like to choose CodeIgniter:
Now my question is related to the tools we use once we start a new codeigniter application.

This is my list

BACKEND: CodeIgniter + core Helpers, Libraries
CRUD: CodeIgniter + Boostrap + Form Helper + FormValidation.io
DB: mysql mostly
UI: bootstrap (bootswatch) + jQuery + DataTables + FormValidation.io + fontAwesome + plugins (datepickers, fullcalendar, etc. etc.). All local, not loaded from CDN

I'd love to read which tools use others to speed up development, to build UIs, and so.
I'm looking forward to learn Angular, ReactJS and other tools that allow me to speed up development, make interfaces more usables, with less clicks, and to make CRUD easier/quicker, without paying costs with more development time

Thanks!  Wink

(This post was last modified: 05-12-2015, 01:30 AM by ivantcholakov.)

I hesitate about AngularJS for now because its version 2 is to come.
Edit 12-MAY-2015: Developer Preview is available. https://angular.io/docs/js/latest/

BACKEND: https://github.com/almasaeed2010/AdminLTE

I use CodeIgniter (of course), Bootstrap, Smarty, jQuery, and I load everything I can from a CDN (jsDelivr).  I use MySQL when needed, but I really love SQLite, especially for the FTS fulltext searching capabilities.  I have written many classes to speed up the development of Forms, Hierarchies, Geolocation, CURLing, etc.  I use the AdminLTE thanks to a previous recommendation from ivantcholakov, and I discovered the delights of the Ace Editor from a friend of mine in Alaska.  LESS CSS and Parsedown is great.  For ecommerce I would of recommended (until their price hike) Snipcart.  I was almost going to use them.  It is a great idea anyways.  I think these questions are very useful.  It's taken me 10 years to discover on my own what is awesome, and what sucks.  I have put everything awesome together and wrapped it up into BootPress, which of course I use for everything now.  I just upgraded the Profiler to be as nice as Bonfire's (with a few improvements of my own).  Ion Auth is good, but pretty bulky.  Also, use GitHub!  They make your life so much easier.  realfavicongenerator.net I recently discovered makes really good favicons.  That is all I can think of for now.  Happy Coding!

Great tips! Thanks guys

I'd like also to recommend parsleyjs (http://parsleyjs.org/), a free JS plugin for form validation an alternative to FormValidation.io

the biggest speed up thing is the use of a key / value storage server as a "between" server (db -> key / value storage -> output)

i've installed REDIS on almost all CI applications because it is so fast - on an I5-2500 local system with 16 GB Ram i can execute 10.000 Queries in 1 second

in this time are included the Options 
PHP Code:

with this options you can easily store heavy ready configured objects - which is a huge benefit

the only thing you need to address is to find a way to update this data if the database data have been changed and an auto fallback system to your db system - but this isn't really a problem

Also, the best PHP Less parser is oyejorge/less.php, and use the blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload at GitHub.  I've tried them all, and those are the best.

Actually, I didn't find the integration technique of the CI with angular JS and node JS, even in the github.

Though it can be possible by using the controller and model of angular js and view of the CI3.

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